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May 11 2016

tratro set Category to category:support on T104934: still stuck.
May 11 2016, 1:58 AM · DayZ
tratro added a comment to T104908: [0.49] Zombies stuck in a corner have an extremely high range for their attacks.

I have had this happen several times, where a zombie comes after me in a building and is somehow in the floor halfway, and no matter where I'm at, it registers as hitting me when it attacks, even across the room facing the other direction. I basically only fight zombies outside on flat surfaces because the hit detection in this game is absolute crap. IF there's a zombie, I literally run outside as far as i can before turning around to fight it.

I hope the new engine they're working on solves some of these issues, because the hit detection in a game where combat is important (even if it isn't the focus) is kind of a big deal.

May 11 2016, 1:57 AM · DayZ
tratro edited Steps To Reproduce on T104907: Stuck in the floor of a house, regular tracker.
May 11 2016, 1:57 AM · DayZ
tratro added a comment to T104774: SUGGESTION: give player reason for not killing others on sight!.

The fear of imminent death is one of the best parts of the game.

That said. It would be pretty easy to make friendly fire zones where folks could gather without fear of getting killed and interact with other players. I think the DayZ zombie apocalypse is a lot more murderous than it would be in real life. I think people would band together as much as possible in real life. I tried to make friends plenty of times. I gave a guy a magnum I had no ammo for and some psycho came screaming in with an axe. I killed him but he broke my arm and while my new friend went to go chop some wood to make a splint the server randomly kicked me.

I have been murdered way too many times in this game, so I basically hide from other players or shoot them on sight if they so much as look at me. I've screamed "FRIENDLY!" too many times and been murdered to risk any interactions, especially if I've spent hours gearing up a player. So yeah, I don't know what the solution is for you, you've got some gameplay options. MAybe make some basic items more realistically available so we're less murderous? Like the backpack, axe, and can opener (honestly, I've found like 5 can openers in 40 hrs of gameplay... seriously, they should be in every house if we're going for realism).

Anyway. I appreciate the devs work and just trying to provide my 2 cents as someone who enjoys the game.

May 11 2016, 1:53 AM · DayZ