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fileExists command
Feedback, WishlistPublic


It would be very great to have a <b>fileExists</b> command that returns a boolean based on if a specific file exists.

It is currently possible to check for a file by doing if (loadFile "path" != ""), however this produces a "Script xxx not found" message for the user if it doesn't exist, which can be somewhat of an annoyance.

Such a function would be very useful for checking if users have known cheating scripts in their Arma folder, or for instance checking if the text provided in the "picture" property of a CfgVehicles entry does indeed resolve to a file before attempting to display it.


Legacy ID
Feature Request

Event Timeline

AgentRev edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 26 2014, 8:07 PM
AgentRev edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
AgentRev set Category to Feature Request.
AgentRev set Reproducibility to N/A.
AgentRev set Severity to None.
AgentRev set Resolution to Open.
AgentRev set Legacy ID to 904070079.May 7 2016, 6:30 PM

A folderExists command would be also awesome.

Sooo any news about that ?

A check if a file / a folder exists would be very useful.

Please add this, as it would save mission and mod makers alot of time.

There is something similar to this: Maybe this helps somebody out, until the command is added to arma3

LouMontana changed the task status from Reviewed to Feedback.Nov 24 2020, 11:24 PM
LouMontana added a subscriber: LouMontana.

6 and a half years later; better late than never!