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Feature Request: Accessible Actions - Toggle instead of Hold
Feedback, NormalPublic


What kind of accessibility is required?
All actions that are a hold could be a toggle by selecting the mode in options.
Examples of hold action types:

  • Holding shift to run
  • Holding right mouse button for ADS
  • Holding Q/E for lean


  • Holding left mouse button on actions like Fishing, looking through binoculars, other "ActionContinous" type class

Both types would be nice to be implemented in the game directly to change between hold and toggle in the game settings.

Why would these be implemented?
Holding a button for too long can be straining for people with hand disabilities but actions like fishing can be straining even for healthy people.

I understand that implementing these could be a big hurdle development wise, so it would be nice to be given at least the option to mod it ourselves in by enabling ActionContinuous classes to have toggle start and finish and not require continuous input for these classes.

I was hoping the improved fishing mechanics would have had this already implemented but it still requires hold. The fishing hold is particularly straining when struggling to find fish on maps like Namalsk.


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Helkhiana created this task.Aug 8 2024, 2:35 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Aug 8 2024, 3:02 PM

nice idea actually 🤔
i use some of those because i toggle lmk via autohotkey software

Bumping support for this - as someone who has had dexterity issues and had medical procedures done to try remedy them, holding down left click or F for minutes at a time is not good gameplay worthy of pained hands. I'm not asking for an auto run, or an idle AFK option, but to simply choose to click-toggle actions like crafting, cooking and fishing. Anything that requires me to hold a button for longer than 5 seconds to do a stood still task. I'd like eating too. Simply allow me to press the button again, or do a movement that would cancel it anyway, to cancel those actions. I currently use a foot pedal for these actions but it shouldn't require peripherals to play your game in a comfortable manner, especially given how many disabled and elder folks I've met playing this game.

Jaakael added a subscriber: Jaakael.Aug 9 2024, 7:11 AM

Yes please, +1. I've complained about this previously as well

I forgot to mention binoculars but you're absolutely right that a toggle option is needed for them.

Fishing was completely horrible for this and while I haven't tried the 1.26 version yet it seems about the same.

Toggle lean, while not needed for the health of my wrists, is still something vital for gameplay that should've been in the game since 0.63.

Certain foods requiring you to hold LMB for 30+ seconds is annoying too. The worst offenders that come to mind are Lunchmeat, Jam/Honey, Unknown Can and maybe Fish? I'm not asking for everything to be instant consumption like Sardines/Chicken but either a reduction in time to something more reasonable or a toggle option would be nice.

Very good other examples of ActionContinous which would benefit from this toggle.
It's really needed.

pngu added a subscriber: pngu.Wed, Sep 11, 12:04 AM