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it no workz
Closed, ResolvedPublic


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Modded: No

Not to mention timeout errors every 10 minutes.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
10.0.22631, 23H2, compilation 22631.3593
Additional Information

dupe of T182417

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jul 19 2024, 10:21 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello kawalec.
Can you please specify? Under which condition does this occur? Is this related to being disconnected in the vehicle? As what you are showing does not seem to be the issue that was fixed.

Geez added a comment.Jul 19 2024, 11:08 AM

We also have tested this but so far we are unable to reproduce the issue. If you can provide any further info as how to produce the issue, please let us know.

Logs from that game session:

kawalec added a comment.EditedJul 19 2024, 6:40 PM

I cannot reproduce that. I'm not able to induce timeout errors resulting in disconnects.

LouMontana renamed this task from Nice fix Bohemia, really nice to it no workz.Jul 25 2024, 1:25 PM

Could you please explain us to what extent you "input" into this post is helpful?

It is as helpful as your earlier sarcasm, without the sarcasm. Feel free to amend it

I will not change the title, so others could draw some conclusions.
I don't know what is your role at BIS, but surely you are not a PR department employee, nor should you be. You attitude here is the same as you present on Arma Official Discord channel.
Am I sarcastic. Yes, I am. I invested over a 1000 hours of my private time into Reforger and I am getting tired of unresolved problems caused by "updates" and "fixes".
It's really disappointing that given the amount of feedback and support BIS receives from us, the players, one of "Administrators" behaves like this.
Instead of this behaviour, I would recommend some humbleness and spending more time on proper programming.

Geez added a comment.Jul 26 2024, 11:42 AM

I will not change the title, so others could draw some conclusions.
I don't know what is your role at BIS, but surely you are not a PR department employee, nor should you be. You attitude here is the same as you present on Arma Official Discord channel.
Am I sarcastic. Yes, I am. I invested over a 1000 hours of my private time into Reforger and I am getting tired of unresolved problems caused by "updates" and "fixes".
It's really disappointing that given the amount of feedback and support BIS receives from us, the players, one of "Administrators" behaves like this.
Instead of this behaviour, I would recommend some humbleness and spending more time on proper programming.

While we understand your frustrations, this space is not made for venting such feelings. You can always provide feedback/bug report in polite manner without unnecessary sarcasm. Being sarcastic or taking jabs at the dev team will not hasten the process of bug fixing nor will solve anything.
Thank you.

This comment was removed by LouMontana.

Am I sarcastic. Yes, I am. I invested over a 1000 hours of my private time into Reforger and I am getting tired of unresolved problems caused by "updates" and "fixes".

Wow, just wow.... How old are you? You're acting like a spoiled child who thinks that if he bought the game, he's entitled to everything "because i paid for the game" and "i invested my time", after all, no one is forcing you to play, if you have such a huge problem with this game, contact bohemia and demand a refund. But I know perfectly well that you won't do that because you're a typical complainer. I see you all the time on various servers under the nickname "Gzregorz" (i can see your nickname in the video), so I guess you don't have the errors you describe here that often because you still play. Grow up a bit and let the creators work in peace because your constant complaining only causes more harm than good.It's good that you report bugs, but by doing it this way you're only annoying others. Peace.

Geez added a comment.Jul 26 2024, 1:44 PM

Am I sarcastic. Yes, I am. I invested over a 1000 hours of my private time into Reforger and I am getting tired of unresolved problems caused by "updates" and "fixes".

Wow, just wow.... How old are you? You're acting like a spoiled child who thinks that if he bought the game, he's entitled to everything "because i paid for the game" and "i invested my time", after all, no one is forcing you to play, if you have such a huge problem with this game, contact bohemia and demand a refund. But I know perfectly well that you won't do that because you're a typical complainer. I see you all the time on various servers under the nickname "Gzregorz" (i can see your nickname in the video), so I guess you don't have the errors you describe here that often because you still play. Grow up a bit and let the creators work in peace because your constant complaining only causes more harm than good.It's good that you report bugs, but by doing it this way you're only annoying others. Peace.

Please, keep the discussion civil and on topic of the issue. Thank you

kawalec added a comment.EditedJul 26 2024, 6:03 PM

You removed your comment: "Now let's stick to the issue at hand, which is apparently hard to reproduce - bring as much intel as possible", but I would like to ask what other data and information I may provide you with?
I've attached game log files and a video.
Are there any other files I could send? Like memory dump files?
Or do you have any telemetry software I could install, so it will monitor my game when I'm playing?
This particular error looks exactly the same as getting out of the flipped car and being moved under the map. The only difference is that the came disconnected me while I was driving and I hit the wall of a building while being disconnected. When I reconnected, the game erroneously recognised my position and moved me half-way under the map. Additionally I have been registered as still driving. All this is perfectly visible in the video.
I cannot recreate this, because I don't know how to cause timeout error on demand. In Windows I use "NotMyFault" app to simulate errors, I don't know if Reforger has anything similar.
One more information, I play 99% of my time on POWERBITS GAMETEAM ARMA#1 server:
It's vanilla Conflict server with 128 players. All the issues I reported so far happen no matter the number of players on the servers. Even if there are less than 48, some errors were still present.

This comment was removed by LouMontana.
This comment was removed by LouMontana.
speedwaystar added a subscriber: speedwaystar.EditedJul 26 2024, 8:52 PM

This particular error looks exactly the same as getting out of the flipped car and being moved under the map. The only difference is that the came disconnected me while I was driving and I hit the wall of a building while being disconnected. When I reconnected, the game erroneously recognised my position and moved me half-way under the map. Additionally I have been registered as still driving. All this is perfectly visible in the vide.

duplicate of T182417: Falling through map and swimming below terrain after vehicle crash. please close.

Snoke added a subscriber: Snoke.Jul 27 2024, 3:42 AM
LouMontana closed this task as Resolved.Jul 29 2024, 6:45 PM
LouMontana changed Resolution from Open to Duplicate.
LouMontana edited Additional Information. (Show Details)