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does not work properly fuction ForceStance (STANCEIDX_RAISEDERECT or STANCEIDX_RAISEDCROUCH or STANCEIDX_RAISEDPRONE) class HumanCommandMove
Reviewed, UrgentPublic


does not work properly fuction ForceStance class HumanCommandMove



Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce


not working this code

Event Timeline

nlaak created this task.Feb 24 2024, 2:07 PM

I confirm that after trying to raise your hands, this state is immediately reset

VasliyP added a comment.EditedFeb 25 2024, 8:18 PM

int unit_Raised;

void Raised()

		HumanAnimInterface hai = m_Unit.GetAnimInterface();
		if (!hai) return;
		unit_Raised = hai.BindVariableBool( "Raised" );
		if (!m_Unit.IsRaised())
			m_Unit.AnimSetBool(unit_Raised, true);


This option doesn’t work either; when you try to pick up a weapon, the animation immediately resets
in the previous version everything worked fine

Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Feb 27 2024, 11:47 AM

Hello everyone.
Sounds like what you want to be using is HumanInputController.OverrideRaise. Here is some example code that works:

modded class PlayerBase
	override void CommandHandler(float pDt, int pCurrentCommandID, bool pCurrentCommandFinished)
		HumanInputController hic = GetInputController();

		float movementSpeed;
		vector movementDirection;
		hic.GetMovement(movementSpeed, movementDirection);

		// Only raise if player is moving
		if (movementSpeed > 0)
			hic.OverrideRaise(HumanInputControllerOverrideType.ONE_FRAME, true);

		super.CommandHandler(pDt, pCurrentCommandID, pCurrentCommandFinished);
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Feb 27 2024, 11:48 AM
This comment was removed by VasliyP.
VasliyP added a comment.EditedFeb 27 2024, 12:51 PM

Hello everyone.
Sounds like what you want to be using is HumanInputController.OverrideRaise. Here is some example code that works:

modded class PlayerBase
	override void CommandHandler(float pDt, int pCurrentCommandID, bool pCurrentCommandFinished)
		HumanInputController hic = GetInputController();

		float movementSpeed;
		vector movementDirection;
		hic.GetMovement(movementSpeed, movementDirection);

		// Only raise if player is moving
		if (movementSpeed > 0)
			hic.OverrideRaise(HumanInputControllerOverrideType.ONE_FRAME, true);

		super.CommandHandler(pDt, pCurrentCommandID, pCurrentCommandFinished);

This is understandable, but what to do if the unit must stand still?
Unfortunately this does not work, or rather it only works on the player and probably only on the client side(

This comment was removed by VasliyP.
This comment was removed by VasliyP.
nlaak added a comment.Feb 27 2024, 8:47 PM

only on the client side.

This comment was removed by VasliyP.
nlaak added a comment.EditedFeb 27 2024, 9:33 PM

interesting behavior of the function
the function runs on the server

unit.GetCommand_Move().ForceStance(32); unit raise or unit hide
unit raise or unit hide
unit.GetCommand_Move().ForceStance(34); unit raise or unit hide
unit hide

It looks like DayZPlayerConstants.STANCEIDX_RAISED and the like can no longer be used((

jobbg added a subscriber: jobbg.Feb 28 2024, 1:54 PM

Already got you

I still have a question: will the normal operation of DayZPlayerConstants.STANCEIDX_RAISED and the like be fixed?

nlaak added a comment.Feb 28 2024, 9:16 PM

will the normal operation of DayZPlayerConstants.STANCEIDX_RAISED and the like be fixed?

It would be very good if you make the OverrideRaise(HumanInputControllerOverrideType.ONE_FRAME, true) function work not only on the client, but also on the server

Please fix this bug... Please..

Apparently we won't get an answer)))

VasliyP added a comment.EditedMar 11 2024, 6:07 PM

Hello everyone.
Sounds like what you want to be using is HumanInputController.OverrideRaise. Here is some example code that works:

modded class PlayerBase
	override void CommandHandler(float pDt, int pCurrentCommandID, bool pCurrentCommandFinished)
		HumanInputController hic = GetInputController();

		float movementSpeed;
		vector movementDirection;
		hic.GetMovement(movementSpeed, movementDirection);

		// Only raise if player is moving
		if (movementSpeed > 0)
			hic.OverrideRaise(HumanInputControllerOverrideType.ONE_FRAME, true);

		super.CommandHandler(pDt, pCurrentCommandID, pCurrentCommandFinished);


How can I make this work on the server and not on the client?

Has there been a solution to this problem?

nlaak added a comment.EditedMay 5 2024, 1:21 AM

Hello everyone.
Sounds like what you want to be using is HumanInputController.OverrideRaise. Here is some example code that works:

modded class PlayerBase
	override void CommandHandler(float pDt, int pCurrentCommandID, bool pCurrentCommandFinished)
		HumanInputController hic = GetInputController();

		float movementSpeed;
		vector movementDirection;
		hic.GetMovement(movementSpeed, movementDirection);

		// Only raise if player is moving
		if (movementSpeed > 0)
			hic.OverrideRaise(HumanInputControllerOverrideType.ONE_FRAME, true);

		super.CommandHandler(pDt, pCurrentCommandID, pCurrentCommandFinished);

This code not working is server.

fuction ForceStance not working is server.

An update was released, but this problem was not fixed(

nlaak removed a subscriber: nlaak.Jul 1 2024, 12:55 AM
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VasliyP removed a subscriber: VasliyP.Jul 3 2024, 8:25 PM
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VasliyP added a subscriber: VasliyP.

Are there any ways to solve the problem?

I wonder if the ForceStance feature will be fixed?

Hunterz added a subscriber: Hunterz.Dec 2 2024, 2:11 PM

Just make own scripted command, bind stance variable from animgraph and then change as you wish in commandhandler

or even more simple using AnimSetInt() for Stance variable

This also doesn't work unfortunately(

In general, the situation is this: with the help of these commands, the weapon is raised, but is immediately cancelled, as if something is canceling the raising of the weapon, but I still can’t understand what is preventing the raising((

nlaak added a comment.EditedWed, Feb 19, 2:15 PM

Они ничего править не будут, у них там при определённой смене анимации вообще пропадает юнит и сервер падает.

Это весьма печально((