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hotbar keeps vanishing
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


sometimes the hotbar keeps vanishing and I can only get it back by closing and opening it again


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045
Steps To Reproduce

simply exit to main menu or let it crash trough instable connection leading to the main menu and then joining back on the same server

Additional Information

bug occurs for my friends aswell

Event Timeline

DerKellner updated the task description. (Show Details)Jan 9 2024, 9:59 PM
DerKellner edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
monomk added a subscriber: monomk.Jan 17 2024, 1:51 AM

For me the hotbar bugs out when you minimize the game while it is loading into a server. Also seems to affect the blood splatter effect from bleeding - it stays on the screen until you rejoin/restart.

I've had the hotbar vanish on me too, and the "~" key doesn't bring it back. When that happens if you go into options and set HUD to disabled, then enabled again, and save it comes back.

I've had the hotbar vanish on me too, and the "~" key doesn't bring it back. When that happens if you go into options and set HUD to disabled, then enabled again, and save it comes back.

well good to know but that cant be the solution obviously

having the same thing, i was hoping to pinpoint some mods causing that, but seems like it's either very inconsistent or vanilla bug

having the same thing, i was hoping to pinpoint some mods causing that, but seems like it's either very inconsistent or vanilla bug

oh trust me for me it is very consistent and super annoying as it happens every second time i "do" one of the things mentioned

I've had the hotbar vanish on me too, and the "~" key doesn't bring it back. When that happens if you go into options and set HUD to disabled, then enabled again, and save it comes back.

Same here.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 19 2024, 9:57 AM
Kreser added a subscriber: Kreser.Jan 29 2024, 2:25 PM

Actually, I even made some edits to update the player’s hud, but it’s still there periodically (that’s what people say)

NATION added a subscriber: NATION.Feb 3 2024, 11:14 PM

The problem with the hotbar is definitely over a year old, strange that it has only now reached BI. It can probably be found on moddet servers and vanilla servers alike.