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In Spectator mode, the animated character icon does not match the color of his faction and it does not disappear after the animation is over.
Feedback, NormalPublic


In the editor, at spectator mode, the AI-animated character ([this,"WATCH","FULL"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat;) icon does not match the color of the faction.
It will be blue (blufor color), even on the red/green side. (Opfor, Independent)
The problem is also compounded by the fact that when animation ended, the static icon remains at the starting point forever, even if the unit is no longer there.
As a result, the player will see blue triangles in places where there are no BLUFOR soldiers!
During battle observation this creates confusion, if you observe the red or green units (CSAT or AAF) then they will be displayed as BLUFOR (blue triangles)


Here the red units are represented by blue triangles.
it is necessary that the color of the icon always matches the color of the faction to which the soldier belongs and that the static icon disappears after the soldier exits the animation.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Eden Editor
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Place in the map yourself as civilian
  1. Place in the map several OPFOR soldiers and place in his init this - [this,"WATCH","FULL"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat;
  2. run game and go in spectator mode, you will see that the red infantry will be shown with a blue icons.
  3. you can place blufor units nearby, as soon as the red ones exit the ambient animation, their icons will remain hanging in the void, even if those exiting the ambient animation are killed

Event Timeline

mickeymen created this task.Dec 5 2023, 9:44 AM
mickeymen edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
mickeymen updated the task description. (Show Details)Dec 5 2023, 9:48 AM
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.Dec 8 2023, 2:46 PM
the AI-animated character ([this,"WATCH","FULL"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat;) icon does not match the color of the faction.

Incorrect. It does match.

If you look at a closer view, you can see what's happening

Their factions are correct. But a new blufor unit (typeof == "Logic") is spawned at the same position.
I would expect Spectator view to not show Logics though, it doesn't show editor placed Logic entities.

Ah, its because the logic has a bluefor side, usually logics should be placed into "sideLogic"

BIS_fnc_ambientAnim creates the logic. And it puts it into "BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__group" which, is a blufor group. It should be a sideLogic group

BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__group = createGroup west;

dedmen set Ref Ticket to AIII-56137.Dec 8 2023, 2:49 PM


I didn't understand much of what you said. In your screenshot, I also see red units with blue icons.
A red soldier should not have a blue icon.
Also, the icon of an animated character should not remain after the death or exit from the animation of this animated character.
Can't it be fixed?

NikkoJT added a subscriber: NikkoJT.Dec 8 2023, 5:17 PM

@ mickeymen:

The blue icon does not belong to the character. The blue icon belongs to an invisible virtual Logic Entity. The virtual Logic Entity is created by BIS_fnc_ambientAnim for technical reasons. The function has a mistake, which causes the virtual Logic Entity to be a BLUFOR unit, instead of belonging to the Virtual side.

There is an internal ticket assigned, and it should be a simple fix, so it's likely it will be fixed.

NikkoJT removed a subscriber: NikkoJT.Dec 8 2023, 5:18 PM

@NikkoJT thank you for clarification

The blue icon does not belong to the character. The blue icon belongs to an invisible virtual Logic Entity

then needs correction.

Also, please don’t ignore the second part of the problem, I see no one wants to discuss this.
The icon should disappear when the animation is completed or when the character playing the animation is killed. But this doesn't happen.

There is an internal ticket assigned, and it should be a simple fix, so it's likely it will be fixed.

I really hope for a correction, because the blue BLUFOR icons hanging in the void, or on red faction units confuse the player in spectator mode

Also, please don’t ignore the second part of the problem, I see no one wants to discuss this.

It's not being ignored. It's the same problem and can be fixed as part of the same change. When the Logic Entity is assigned to the correct side, the icon will simply not appear at all.

NikkoJT removed a subscriber: NikkoJT.Dec 8 2023, 8:05 PM

fixed in future update

BIS_fnc_KK removed BIS_fnc_KK as the assignee of this task.Wed, Mar 5, 8:31 PM
BIS_fnc_KK changed the task status from New to Feedback.
BIS_fnc_KK added a subscriber: BIS_fnc_KK.