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[] Helicopters VERY OFTEN don't get damaged by RPGs
Acknowledged, NormalPublic



Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

shoot a heli in the air and they happily fly away

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Event Timeline

klebold created this task.Nov 18 2023, 6:24 PM
klebold renamed this task from [] Helicopters VERY OFTEN don to [] Helicopters VERY OFTEN don't get damaged by RPGs.Nov 18 2023, 6:39 PM
klebold updated the task description. (Show Details)
klebold changed Severity from None to Major.
klebold changed Reproducibility from N/A to Sometimes.
klebold edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
klebold changed Operating System from Windows 7 to Windows 11 x64.
klebold set Operating System Version to 22H2.
matthys added a subscriber: matthys.EditedNov 19 2023, 9:47 PM

The problem is that Arma Reforger doesn't compensate for latency currently. This means you need to shoot ahead of your target to compensate for ping. Even though 12ms ping here isn't bad, fast moving targets like helicopters and cars require more lead. If you have higher ping, you will also see this "invulnerability" happen to infantry. I've made a ticket about this problem, but it seems to be ignored.

This comment was removed by LouMontana.
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Nov 20 2023, 6:32 PM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Acknowledged.Nov 23 2023, 12:39 PM
rogerx added a subscriber: rogerx.Feb 12 2024, 12:39 AM

I agree. The cheaters (typically Soviets) exploiting the ability for finding the opposing teams main base then quickly taking over the map, are now exploiting the helicopters for base hopping around the opposing teams main base, again far more quickly taking over bases, the main base, then ending the game too quickly.

My ticket was something completely different. I showed that choppers are hit way to OFTEN and without actually hitting them.

TRAGER added a subscriber: TRAGER.May 7 2024, 6:22 AM