Take a look at values in this configs:
CfgWorlds → Stratis → AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaSpawnRadius value is 70
CfgWorlds → Stratis → AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaMaxRadius value is 200
CfgWorlds → Altis→ AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaSpawnRadius value is 70
CfgWorlds → Altis→ AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaMaxRadius value is 200
CfgWorlds → Malden→ AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaSpawnRadius value is 70
CfgWorlds → Malden→ AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaMaxRadius value is 200
Configurated animals in class Radius440_500 spawns in this maps successfully, but look at Tanoa's and Livonia's values:
CfgWorlds → Enoch→ AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaSpawnRadius value is 440
CfgWorlds → Enoch→ AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaMaxRadius value is 500
CfgWorlds → Tanoa→ AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaSpawnRadius value is 440
CfgWorlds → Tanoa → AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaMaxRadius value is 500
You will never be able to see the animals that should be←Actually, this is not entirely true - these animals appear in this radius but this does not make any sense the player will not see or hear them in the game
In any case, 440 and 500 are incorrect values…
Apparently when configuration writing, the developer mistakenly entered numbers from the class name (Radius440_500) thinking that they denoted parameters areaSpawnRadius and areaMaxRadius
These values of these parameters, if I'm right, should have the same values as on the Stratis, Altis and Malden maps
To prove that the values in the configuration are currently not correct I created a small mod that replaces the values 440 and 500 for Livonia and Tanoa with 70 and 200: the animals now work as designed
so needs changes
CfgWorlds → Enoch → AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaSpawnRadius value from 440 to 70
CfgWorlds → Enoch → AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaMaxRadius value from 500 to 200
CfgWorlds → Tanoa→ AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaSpawnRadius value from 440 to 70
CfgWorlds → Tanoa → AmbientA3 → Radius440_500 → areaMaxRadius value from 500 to 200