Regarding the Ambient Animal System, the config values for Altis, Stratis and Malden 2035 are...
class AmbientA3 { maxCost=500; class Radius440_500 { areaSpawnRadius=70; areaMaxRadius=200; spawnCircleRadius=30; spawnInterval=4.6999998;
but on Tanoa and Enoch they are...
class AmbientA3 { maxCost=500; class Radius440_500 { areaSpawnRadius=440; areaMaxRadius=500; spawnCircleRadius=30; spawnInterval=4.6999998;
The areaSpawnRadius and areaMaxRadius on Tanoa and Enoch are too large, this means animals in those class groups (Tanoa: crows, seagulls, kestrels, Enoch: crows, seagulls, kestrels, rabbits) won't spawn around the player as they do on Altis, Stratis and Malden 2035. They do spawn but are almost always too far away to be noticed.