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[BUG] Garbage collector and respective SQF commands are bugged
Closed, ResolvedPublic



  1. Dead bodies do not get removed at all or after a long delay
  2. Vehicles get removed despite limit in certain situations
  3. SQF commands have no affect or not always


respawn = 3;//BASE
respawnDelay = 5;
respawnVehicleDelay = 5;

//respawnTemplates[] = { "Counter", "Wave" };

//Sets the mode for corpse removal manager.
//0 = None - None of the units are managed by the manager
//1 = All - All units are managed by the manager
//2 = None_But_Respawned - Only units that can respawn are managed by the manager
//3 = All_But_Respawned - All units are managed by the manager with exception of respawned (opposite to mode 2)
corpseManagerMode = 1; // Default: 0 for SP, 2 for MP

//Corpse limit before which ( <= ) corpseRemovalMaxTime applies and after which ( > ) corpseRemovalMinTime applies.
corpseLimit = 5; // Default: 15

//Remove all bodies that have been dead longer than corpseRemovalMinTime when corpseLimit is reached.
corpseRemovalMinTime = 30; // seconds. Default: 10

//Maximum time a corpse can remain on the ground if total number of corpses is equal or under corpseLimit.
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 60; // seconds. Default: 3600

//Sets the mode for wreck removal manager.
//0 = None - None of the vehicles are managed by the manager
//1 = All - All vehicles are managed by the manager
//2 = None_But_Respawned - Only vehicles that can respawn are managed by the manager
//3 = All_But_Respawned - All vehicles are managed by the manager with exception of respawned (opposite to mode 2)
wreckManagerMode = 1; // Default: 0 for SP, 2 for MP

//Vehicle wreck limit before which ( <= ) wreckRemovalMaxTime applies and after which ( > ) wreckRemovalMinTime applies .
wreckLimit = 5; // seconds. Default: 15

//Remove all wrecks that have existed longer than wreckRemovalMinTime when wreckLimit is breached.
wreckRemovalMinTime = 30; // seconds. Default: 10

//Maximum time a wreck can remain on the ground if total number of wrecks is equal or under wreckLimit.
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 60; // seconds. Default: 36000 (10 hours)

//The minimum distance between corpse or wreck and nearest player before the corpse or wreck is allowed to be removed by the garbage collector.
minPlayerDistance = 50; // meters. Default: 0



Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Issue 1: Infantry/dead bodies dont get cleaned up properly - aka not the extra above the corpseLimit once then corpseRemovalMinTime has been reached
Issue 2: Infantry/dead bodies dont get cleaned up properly - aka after the corpseRemovalMaxTime has been reached

Instead: Only "one by one" - but not related to these settings and not in a consistent delay/time in between each removal.


  1. Load attached mission in Eden (SP), Hosted or DS
  2. It spawns AI and empty vehicles
  3. Top right hint shows stats (count XXX, count isInRemainsCollector [in brackets], count distance smaller than minPlayerDistance )
  4. Use 0-0-3 to toggle spawning off (or on again)
  5. Use 0-0-1/2 to kill the infantry/destroyed the vehicles
  6. Use time acceleration for quicker checking (in SP/Eden)

How vehicles get removed all at once as expected (after 30s (wreckRemovalMinTime) all but 5 (wreckLimit) + only those further away than the set 50m (minPlayerDistance)) - correct

How infantry do not go removed or just sparingly one by one, like a queue) after the 30s to a few minutes. Some not at all even at times.

Note: In chat (and rpt) it shows when a dead unit or wreck gets removed with their distance to player plus the time in seconds since death/destruction.

Note: Via radio menu one can also

  1. Toggle on/off automatic addToRemainsCollector/removeFromRemainsCollector sqf command to be applied for newly created/killed entities
  2. Apply to all units/deadMen/vehilces the ddToRemainsCollector/removeFromRemainsCollector sqf command

Issue 3:
How addToRemainsCollector for destroyed vehicles / once already destroyed, doesnt seem to do anything - they will no longer get removed once destroyed. Even though isInRemainsCollector lists them after the sqf command gets applied.
The same for dead bodies.


  1. Load attached mission in Eden (SP), Hosted or DS
  2. It spawns AI and empty vehicles
  3. Top right hint shows stats (count XXX, count isInRemainsCollector [in brackets], count distance smaller than minPlayerDistance )
  4. Use 0-0-3 to toggle spawning off
  5. Use 0-0-7 to toggle "removeFromRemainsCollector" for newly spawned units and vehicles
  6. Use 0-0-3 to toggle spawning on again
  7. Use 0-0-1/2 to kill the infantry/destroyed the vehicles
  8. Use time acceleration for quicker checking (in SP/Eden)
  9. Use 0-0-9 to apply "addToRemainsCollector" to dead units and wrecks

You can also toggle the created unit to join the player group with 0-0-6.

How dead bodies suddenly get removed after the player has become aware of their dead.

You can also toggle auto reveal of death of infantry or vehicles vi 0-0-5.

How this does not help with dead body removal.

Additional Information

Event Timeline

kju-PvPscene updated the task description. (Show Details)
kju-PvPscene edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Apr 29 2023, 1:03 PM
kju-PvPscene renamed this task from [BUG] Garbage collector and respective SQF are FUBAR to [BUG] Garbage collector and respective SQF commands are bugged.

@kju-PvPscene minPlayerDistance = 50; That means if you are closer than 50 m to the corpse or wreck it wont be removed. Please try with minPlayerDistance = 0; and report back

BIS_fnc_KK changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Feb 10 2024, 4:15 PM

BIS_fnc_KK set Ref Ticket to AIII-56258.Feb 19 2024, 6:41 PM

Revision: 151444

BIS_fnc_KK removed BIS_fnc_KK as the assignee of this task.Feb 20 2024, 8:18 PM
BIS_fnc_KK changed the task status from Need More Info to Feedback.
BIS_fnc_KK added a subscriber: BIS_fnc_KK.
Wulf closed this task as Resolved.Apr 25 2024, 5:47 PM
Wulf claimed this task.
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.

Fixed in Dev build 151757.