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allMissionObjects "custom" broken since 2.10 update
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Before 2.10 i was able to use A3W_atmArray = allMissionObjects "Land_Atm_01_F" + allMissionObjects "Land_Atm_02_F"; since version 2.10, A3W_atmArray will give out []

allMissionObjects "All" works perfect, but allMissionObjects "Land_Atm_01_F" doesnt work at all anymore.

This breaks all the Wasteland servers mission files.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

_atmArray = allMissionObjects "Land_Atm_01_F" + allMissionObjects "Land_Atm_02_F"; diag_log format["Test %1", _atmArray];

Event Timeline

AryxRayx created this task.Sep 7 2022, 6:53 PM

what map is this?

BIS_fnc_KK changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Sep 8 2022, 3:00 PM
BIS_fnc_KK added a comment.EditedSep 8 2022, 4:18 PM

Please provide exact steps how to reproduce this as well. If I place Land_Atm_01_F or Land_Atm_02_F both get detected. Are you sure you didn place Land_Atm_01_malden_F for example

AryxRayx added a comment.EditedSep 8 2022, 4:58 PM

Self placed Land_Atm_01_F and a Land_Atm_02_F work.

But It doesnt work on Original map placed ATM's (Land_Atm_01_F/Land_Atm_02_F), for example those on Altis. (As if they dont exist anymore)

I tested in 2.08 on Altis, the return is [] Could you give me Altis position of ATM so I could verify that’s the case?

NikkoJT added a subscriber: NikkoJT.Sep 8 2022, 7:10 PM

Atm_01 at [3777.37,13517.8]
Atm_02 at [3281.66,12963.2]

Self placed Land_Atm_01_F and a Land_Atm_02_F work.

But It doesnt work on Original map placed ATM's (Land_Atm_01_F/Land_Atm_02_F), for example those on Altis. (As if they dont exist anymore)

allMissionObjects is not supposed to work with map objects though.

I have implemented a workaround to the affected script:

Further discussion about this issue should instead take place in T167444.

BIS_fnc_KK removed BIS_fnc_KK as the assignee of this task.Sep 9 2022, 1:19 PM
BIS_fnc_KK added a subscriber: BIS_fnc_KK.