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NATO Speedboat Minigun have wrong rear gunner perspective
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Rear gunner of NATO Speedboat Minigun have wrong gunner perspective, if the player selects the aiming mode (right mouse button) then the player sees the wrong perspective in which it is generally not possible to see his target and aim, shoot (first person view)


Operating System
Windows 7 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. place in the map the NATO Speedboat Minigun
  2. you will be on the commander position , go to the rear gunner in first person view
  3. go the aiming mode (right mouse button)
  4. try aim any target

Event Timeline

mickeymen renamed this task from NATO Speedboat Minigun have vrong rear gunner perspective to NATO Speedboat Minigun have wrong rear gunner perspective.
mickeymen updated the task description. (Show Details)
mickeymen updated the task description. (Show Details)Feb 6 2022, 12:07 AM
mickeymen edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Tenshi changed the task status from New to Confirmed Internally.Feb 7 2022, 12:48 PM
Tenshi set Ref Ticket to Internal Ref.: AIII-AIII-54928.
Tenshi added a subscriber: Tenshi.

Thank you for reporting the issue.
I was able to confirm it on our internal build, we will see what we can do.

Tenshi changed Ref Ticket from Internal Ref.: AIII-AIII-54928 to Internal Ref.: AIII-54928.Feb 7 2022, 2:18 PM

Thanks you too! I hope this will be fixed and in the first person view it will be comfortable to shoot from the rear gunner position

This comment was removed by LouMontana.
reyhard closed this task as Resolved.Apr 28 2022, 9:36 AM
reyhard claimed this task.
reyhard added a subscriber: reyhard.

Issue should be resolved in next update. It can be tested with 2.09.149201 + build of the game already (Devbranch)