We recently received the new enableDirectionStabilization command, which allows us to override one kind of turret stabilization - the lock-on-target autostabilization used by e.g. UAV cameras. This provides an exciting glimpse into what else could be possible - the ability to override the stabilization used by e.g. tank turrets.
This stabilization is controlled by the config parameter stabilizedInAxes in the turret config, with the values available being 0 (no stabilization), 1 (elevation stabilization), 2 (traverse stabilization), and 3 (both). A command to override it could allow any value to be specified, or it could be a simple on/off between the config value and no stabilization.
Such a command would be very useful for simulating advanced damage systems, dynamic vehicle upgrades, vehicle balancing, and so on.
Proposed command:
vehicle enableGunStabilization [false,[0]]
where vehicle is a vehicle, false is a bool or number value to use, and [0] is the turret path to apply the override to.