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DayZ XboxProject



To submit a report, click on the star in the top right corner of the page and select "New DayZ Xbox Bug Report" or "New DayZ Xbox Private Bug Report" (if you are handling sensitive information)

DayZ is a gritty, authentic, open-world survival horror hybrid-MMO game, in which players follow a single goal: to survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic landscape as long as they can. Players can live through powerful events and emotions arising from the ever-evolving emergent gameplay.

This space is used to report issues from the Xbox version of DayZ standalone.

Create a new issue and clearly label it as a crash in the title. For example:

"Game Crash - Dropping a protector case crashes the game"

Next, provide insight into how you got your game to crash. Include as much information about what you were doing around the time the game crashed. Every little detail can help us fix the problem. Remember to mention whether this happens on the stable or experimental branch of the game.

"The game crashed when I dropped a protector case on the ground while playing on an experimental server. I had the protector case in my backpack and drag and dropped it into the vicinity window. The case contained a canteen and a pack of rice. I have tried this several times and it happens every time"

"Game crashed when I dropped a protector case"

Include steps to reproduce if you think that they are necessary and aren't obvious enough from the description. Always describe reproduction step by step.

Open inventory
Place the protector case in your backpack
Drag and drop it into the vicinity tab
Game Crashes
Don't forget to include the game's version (can be found in the main menu).

Recent Activity


Geez merged T189985: WALL desapearing into T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.
Fri, Mar 14, 12:06 PM · DayZ Xbox
Geez changed the status of T189993: Dismantling watchtower stairs cause tents to fly from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Fri, Mar 14, 12:04 PM · DayZ Xbox
Geez changed the status of T189998: chemgas granade doest break from New to Awaiting internal Testing.
Fri, Mar 14, 12:03 PM · DayZ Xbox
Thepapercrane updated the task description for T189998: chemgas granade doest break.
Fri, Mar 14, 11:22 AM · DayZ Xbox
Thepapercrane created T189998: chemgas granade doest break.
Fri, Mar 14, 11:20 AM · DayZ Xbox
Geez added a comment to T189740: Player Built Walls Despawning.

If you're saying the "cheat check" is enabled on Official servers, that makes logical sense. If that's the case, please have my ticket elevated and sent as feedback for the rest of the team to see because that is a lazy fix to something that was never an issue.

@Dugan_Nash It is not a fix, this is not the intended behaviour of said feature but a bug. We are working on fixing the issue and it is currently being considered to disable the feature on official servers as well until the problem gets resolved.

Fri, Mar 14, 11:15 AM · DayZ Xbox
Geez changed the status of T189305: Cheat Check Deleting Fences & Watchtowers from Reviewed to Assigned.
Fri, Mar 14, 11:00 AM · DayZ Xbox
Dustiestchunk45 created T189993: Dismantling watchtower stairs cause tents to fly.
Fri, Mar 14, 6:03 AM · DayZ Xbox
Viniciuslostbr added a comment to T189305: Cheat Check Deleting Fences & Watchtowers.

Geez nos servidores oficiais não pode mais construir paredes uma atrás da outra ?

Fri, Mar 14, 1:11 AM · DayZ Xbox
Viniciuslostbr added a comment to T189740: Player Built Walls Despawning.

Isto também está acontecendo comigo no servidor SP 5164 PlayStation

Fri, Mar 14, 1:07 AM · DayZ Xbox


Whoami added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.

and remove granade launcher
and ban dupers/lag switchers/all other cheaters
and ban players who crashes servers on purpose

Thu, Mar 13, 9:09 PM · DayZ Xbox
Dugan_Nash added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.

Why wouldn't they just disallow fence kits to be placed too close together? and why cant they ix the damage passing through walls/gates to the walls and gates behind them?

Thu, Mar 13, 8:39 PM · DayZ Xbox
vsmadhav.sris added a comment to T152989: All loot from my Jacket dissappeared when dropped or changed.
Thu, Mar 13, 8:00 PM · DayZ Xbox
Dugan_Nash added a comment to T189740: Player Built Walls Despawning.

I did say this is on official, not community. I built 12 walls and gates, all in a line one after another this 2nd time. I was on server when it reset, and was the first in when it came back up. Are you suggesting there are some tiny little players that can squeeze in between the ceiling and the top of the gates and came by to destroy, and dismantle and dig out every other wall in the line and some how not damage any of the other walls and gates in the maybe 90 second window i wasn't in the server? No, I've played this game since 0.59 i know what im talking about, no one raided the base.

Thu, Mar 13, 4:33 PM · DayZ Xbox
Geez merged T189910: Nitrado PS server all log files except restart_log disappeared into T189920: Nitrado turned off log files .
Thu, Mar 13, 2:29 PM · DayZ Xbox
Geez closed T189920: Nitrado turned off log files as Resolved.

Hello Hoshbraun.
This was not intentional change by nitrado but rather an issue that occurred on their end. The issue should be fixed by now and logs should be accessible without server restart.

Thu, Mar 13, 2:19 PM · DayZ Xbox
Whoami added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.

Ok, thats weird. But probably true if you say so.

Thu, Mar 13, 12:46 PM · DayZ Xbox
GraceKelly added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.

@Whoami yet they do, the devs have even confirmed they do.

Thu, Mar 13, 12:44 PM · DayZ Xbox
Whoami added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.

I mean... Single fences dont despawn. It´s when you put them close to each other some of them disappear

Thu, Mar 13, 12:42 PM · DayZ Xbox
GraceKelly added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.

@Whoami your belief is incorrect, I tested this in an open field with fences alone and apart and it occured, given the steps provided has evolved into "confirmed internally" i believe its safe to say theyre correct.

Thu, Mar 13, 12:39 PM · DayZ Xbox
Whoami added a comment to T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.
  1. Build a Fence or Watchtower

Construct a fence or watchtower as a player would in a normal gameplay scenario.

Thu, Mar 13, 12:35 PM · DayZ Xbox
Geez added a comment to T189919: Item swap glitch.

Thank you for the report.
This is known issue and it is being worked on.

Thu, Mar 13, 12:30 PM · DayZ Xbox
Geez changed the status of T189919: Item swap glitch from New to Reviewed.
Thu, Mar 13, 12:30 PM · DayZ Xbox
Geez added a comment to T189929: Permanent desync .

Hello UniqueTitle.
This sounds like a possible network issue.

Thu, Mar 13, 12:29 PM · DayZ Xbox
Geez changed the status of T189929: Permanent desync from New to Reviewed.
Thu, Mar 13, 12:27 PM · DayZ Xbox
Geez closed T189944: Watchtower Crashes Server as Resolved.

Known and fixed for the upcoming hotfix.

Thu, Mar 13, 12:27 PM · DayZ Xbox
Geez changed the status of T189920: Nitrado turned off log files from New to Assigned.
Thu, Mar 13, 12:14 PM · DayZ Xbox
Geez merged T189955: Walls are despawning after build into T189577: MAJOR - New cfgignorelist.xml change not working as intended.
Thu, Mar 13, 11:50 AM · DayZ Xbox
Geez added a comment to T189740: Player Built Walls Despawning.

Unfortunately there is no information I can provide at the moment.
We are currently investigating the possibility of this occurring with servers who have the cheatcheck functionality enabled - the bypass has been posted on this ticket and the server owners will have to adjust their server configuration.
However it is also possible someone has just destroyed part of your base.

Thu, Mar 13, 10:25 AM · DayZ Xbox
UniqueTitle updated the task description for T189929: Permanent desync .
Thu, Mar 13, 12:21 AM · DayZ Xbox
DayzTruth added a comment to T189740: Player Built Walls Despawning.
Thu, Mar 13, 12:12 AM · DayZ Xbox

Wed, Mar 12

Dugan_Nash changed Category from category:general to category:other on T189740: Player Built Walls Despawning.
Wed, Mar 12, 11:21 PM · DayZ Xbox
Dugan_Nash added a comment to T189740: Player Built Walls Despawning.

Hi can i get an update to this? it keeps happening. If this is intentional, why would you not just disallow fence kits to be placed too close to each other? Making a mechanic that deletes walls after letting you build them is wasting a lot of players' hard work and resources and leaving their bases vulnerable, possibly without them even knowing. This is further reducing the viability of base building as a whole. I've talked to several people who are experiencing this issue and i think you should take it seriously. Base building was already seen as largely pointless by many of the players i know who used to love building bases. On the high population official servers i hardly seen any bases. I do see tents just put up all over the map untouched and cargo trucks left in their spawns because base building it pointless now.

Wed, Mar 12, 10:42 PM · DayZ Xbox
Cheeks3454 created T189944: Watchtower Crashes Server.
Wed, Mar 12, 1:50 PM · DayZ Xbox
talairgaming added a comment to T189920: Nitrado turned off log files .

Agree with this! I have been a user of nitrado on and off for the past 4 years, but paying for the first 2 years since nitrado kept messing up on a regular basis and my servers suffered by it, I continuously lost player base due to nitrado and they barely take responsability for their issues, if they even do own it. For the rest of the time, I have helped admin and configure several servers for dayz and it has honestly been a pain because they are the only providers on console. Right now, the owners of both servers I help with decided to close them because we dont have live updates on the logs, which is inconvenient because if anything happens we rely on players reporting it or having to wait for the server to restart and we manually go over the logs to see if there is anything out of order. Being PVE servers this is a HUGE problem as we strickly enforce the rules and rely heavily on the killfeed bot to help us with this. Im sure many other server owners are thinking like me and about to decide to just stop paying for a server, which in turn will affect dayz greatly as its player base will lower. Official servers are a lawless place, and most players prefer a community server where in most of them, they are well taken care of. PLEASE PLEASE look into this Bohemia! trust us, ALL that rent a server would absolutely love to move out of nitrado, or make them have competition for their service to be ACTUAL service! Thank you!

Wed, Mar 12, 5:34 AM · DayZ Xbox
UniqueTitle created T189929: Permanent desync .
Wed, Mar 12, 12:02 AM · DayZ Xbox

Tue, Mar 11

jmaher929 added a comment to T189920: Nitrado turned off log files .

Agreed. Nitrado having a monopoly on server ownership for console players is just wrong. They have no incentive to do a good job and they struggle on the regular to even provide the base service that we pay for on a monthly basis. These servers are not cheap. Most server owners also pay for wonderful bots that make our lives easier but are forced to use Nitrado logs and API in order to work properly. When Nitrado goes down, all of these systems stop working. It hurts players, server owners, and the game in general. With these consistent outages by Nitrado, players are going to start moving on. The worst part is Nitrado is often completely silent about what is happening, leaving us all in the dark.

Tue, Mar 11, 10:10 PM · DayZ Xbox
Hoshbraun added a comment to T189920: Nitrado turned off log files .

No real time logs completely ruin community servers. What's the point to keep community server of we can't control it properly

Tue, Mar 11, 9:42 PM · DayZ Xbox
Mindmetune changed Severity from severity:minor to severity:major on T189919: Item swap glitch.
Tue, Mar 11, 9:28 PM · DayZ Xbox
Mindmetune added a comment to T189919: Item swap glitch.

Starting to get worried, looking at posts from 4 to 5 years ago, talking about the exact same glitch, the comments say it’s a scheduled fix but here I am four years later, looking at the same issue. This is actually sad and makes me want to find a new looter shooter:(

Tue, Mar 11, 9:28 PM · DayZ Xbox
PaFilin added a comment to T189920: Nitrado turned off log files .

Please Bohemia, you are the only one to hear us and help us, Nitrado is very frustrating… I hope this reaches right people… we love your game and you have huge community support, help us please 🙏

Tue, Mar 11, 9:19 PM · DayZ Xbox
Mrhokss added a comment to T189920: Nitrado turned off log files .


Tue, Mar 11, 9:13 PM · DayZ Xbox
Hoshbraun created T189920: Nitrado turned off log files .
Tue, Mar 11, 9:08 PM · DayZ Xbox
Mindmetune added a comment to T189919: Item swap glitch.

Not quite sure why my operating system says Windows 7, this is an Xbox issue

Tue, Mar 11, 8:56 PM · DayZ Xbox
Mindmetune created T189919: Item swap glitch.
Tue, Mar 11, 8:54 PM · DayZ Xbox
Geez changed the status of T189873: [Object::GetMaxHealth] :: [ContaminatedArea_Local:0] :: No DamageSystemData or not initialized yet. from New to Need More Info.

Hello IllegalCrib4.
We will require the server logs, especially .rpt and script.log

Tue, Mar 11, 10:53 AM · DayZ Xbox
Geez merged task T189865: Vehicle Event Bug into Restricted Maniphest Task.
Tue, Mar 11, 10:47 AM · DayZ Xbox
Geez changed the status of T189868: Bug - Getting Sick Randomly from New to Reviewed.
Tue, Mar 11, 10:47 AM · DayZ Xbox
1c4ru5 added a comment to T189868: Bug - Getting Sick Randomly .

For some additional context, everytime I go to North West Airfield my character gets this sickness as well.

Tue, Mar 11, 3:43 AM · DayZ Xbox
IllegalCrib4 added a comment to T178978: Nitrado and Other Hosting Companies..

32 Slot with min mods getting yellow and red connection issues at half pop... All I keep getting is "we can do some backend stuff" I don't need my IP changed I don't need to keep losing players to this nonsense... I need a new host. Can we do something????

Tue, Mar 11, 1:57 AM · DayZ Xbox