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- User Since
- Apr 7 2013, 5:22 PM (621 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Nitrox enables deep long dives.
- Longer Bottom Times: Recreational nitrox (21 - 40% oxygen) contains a lower percentage of nitrogen than air. The reduced percentage of nitrogen in recreational nitrox allows divers to extend their dive time.
(National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association) no-decompression dive tables, a diver using Nitrox 36 (or NOAA Nitrox II) may stay up to 50 minutes at 90 feet of sea water, while a diver using air may only stay a maximum of 30 minutes at this depth.
i am really not trying to play this game in 1st person , i am really not trying to play this game at all now. i have stopped playing this game.
can only play in 3rd person ,,
can there be a On OFF tab. i want it off. really do not like those breathing noises. i am, fitter than this soldier. never liked the ACE MOD for realistic carry load and distance stamina.
there is no such thing as yomping in this game , you are just too nakered 50 meters down the road.
annoying walking sounds. been playing this series since 2001. the walk sounds are unrealistic and annoying/
had same issue although no crash. almost freezes then returns to game, with rainbow filter colors.
alike a RAM freeze. Arma had an update to ease data flow on same issue.
made request also, getting no textures with boonie hat , just white.
the intro movie on the Arma site has GHillie suits for the sniper. so they must have been modeled. just not in the Alpha
May 9 2016
also made request on this issue.
suppressed is one thing ... silenced is another.
THE WHISPERER is an acronym for a leathal semi automatic weapon.
if in game these are supressed then change the name in the ammo box.
Because (silenced) they are not. so please can we have both
would like a small tweak to have better stable stalk mode. same stuff needs tweaking
Nitrox enables deep long dives.
- Longer Bottom Times: Recreational nitrox (21 - 40% oxygen) contains a lower percentage of nitrogen than air. The reduced percentage of nitrogen in recreational nitrox allows divers to extend their dive time.
(National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association) no-decompression dive tables, a diver using Nitrox 36 (or NOAA Nitrox II) may stay up to 50 minutes at 90 feet of sea water, while a diver using air may only stay a maximum of 30 minutes at this depth.
also when i med a player they seem to warp to the right out of sight