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- Feb 1 2025, 5:58 AM (5 w, 1 d)
wyqydsyq updated the task description for T189760: Shed in Saint-Phillipe has locked green bin that blocks access.
wyqydsyq edited Steps To Reproduce on T189760: Shed in Saint-Phillipe has locked green bin that blocks access.
Sat, Mar 1
Sat, Mar 1
wyqydsyq added a comment to T189436: Access violation. Illegal read by 0x140bba89d at 0x0 when calling SCR_GetInUserAction::PerformAction on script-spawned vehicle.
The issue seems related to my script-spawned vehicles being added as a child node of the spawner entity (so CE can track removal and enable spawning at that point again).
Fri, Feb 28
Fri, Feb 28
Tue, Feb 25
Tue, Feb 25
wyqydsyq updated the task description for T189028: Dynamic Factions / Conflict Belligerents.
wyqydsyq updated the task description for T189028: Dynamic Factions / Conflict Belligerents.
wyqydsyq updated the task description for T189028: Dynamic Factions / Conflict Belligerents.
wyqydsyq updated the task description for T189028: Dynamic Factions / Conflict Belligerents.
wyqydsyq updated the task description for T189028: Dynamic Factions / Conflict Belligerents.
Feb 6 2025
Feb 6 2025
wyqydsyq updated the task description for T189028: Dynamic Factions / Conflict Belligerents.
wyqydsyq updated the task description for T189028: Dynamic Factions / Conflict Belligerents.
wyqydsyq added a comment to T69482: Any number of factions and sides(feature, ability to create on fly with script).
Edit: nevermind i thought this ticket was for Reforger