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Any number of factions and sides(feature, ability to create on fly with script)
Reviewed, WishlistPublic



it's necessary to have more than 4 factions. What if i want to build MPMission where should be many groups with individual characteristics and change relations between them!?

4 fixed factions is bad heritage of OFP-Arma 2. Old Armas haven't improved uniform\item system like arma 3 and faction tied with uniforms. Now we not needed fixed factions. We can equip any faction with any stuff and setup who is enemy.

It would much greater if we haven't any fixed fatrions and just group any numbers of units in selfmade faction with setup relations with each other factions in array.

I don't speak about any number of player factions...


_myNewFaction = createFaction "blahblahblah";
_myNewFactionHQ = createCanter _myNewFaction;
_myNewFactonGrp = createGroup _myNewFaction;

side _myNewFactionGrp; return blahblahblah

PS: also need ability to create SIDES on fly. I don't understand why someone reject this ticket and why...


Legacy ID
Have Not Tried
Feature Request

Event Timeline

Grinya edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 4 2013, 5:40 PM
Grinya edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Grinya set Category to Feature Request.
Grinya set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
Grinya set Severity to None.
Grinya set Resolution to Open.
Grinya set Legacy ID to 2442942750.May 7 2016, 3:18 PM
Unknown Object (User) added a subscriber: Unknown Object (User).May 7 2016, 3:18 PM
Unknown Object (User) added a comment.Jul 26 2013, 7:40 PM

....... just add extra units with addons.....

For my MPMissions i should make addon? Are you kidding?!

This issue makes no sense.

Why would you need more than 4 factions fighting each other at once? At that point the mission is just going to be a chore. Downvoted.

it's necessary to have more than 4 factions. What if i want to build MPMission where should be many groups with individual characteristics and change relations between them!?

4 fixed factions is bad heritage of OFP-Arma 2. Old Armas haven't improved uniform\item system like arma 3 and faction tied with uniforms. Now we not needed fixed factions. We can equip any faction with any stuff and setup who is enemy.

It would much greater if we haven't any fixed fatrions and just group any numbers of units in selfmade faction with setup relations with each other factions in array.

I don't speak about any number of player factions...

Unknown Object (User) added a comment.Jul 27 2013, 2:37 AM

while i agree with the ticket now that you could explain the nonsense of it, and i agree there should be a choice to add more independients or extra enemy factions, i think 4 factions its more than enough.

Why game should be limited to factions number?! While we have dynamic cloth and uniform, we can make tons of different factions. It will give more flexibility to mission making.

ceeeb added a subscriber: ceeeb.May 7 2016, 3:18 PM
ceeeb added a comment.Aug 20 2013, 5:00 PM

I think this issue is about sides (BLUFOR, OPFOR, etc) not factions (NATO, CSAT, etc). Arma only supports 3 combat sides, with any number of factions per side.

Ideally it should support arbitrary number of sides.

Ceeeb, how you can add new faction in your mission? Using CONFIG? It's boring and not handy.
Better to create factions on fly.
I think, in addition to fractions, should be able to make any number of SIDES!

I agree with the topic, I would like to do or play a MP mission with CSAT, NATO, AAF, and FIA all against each other.

wyqydsyq added a subscriber: wyqydsyq.EditedThu, Feb 6, 1:10 AM

Edit: nevermind i thought this ticket was for Reforger