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User Since
Mar 6 2013, 5:53 PM (625 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

May 9 2016

vXiRiSHXv added a comment to T61907: Zeroing doesn't work.

+1, zeroing didnt work for me

May 9 2016, 11:35 PM · Arma 3
vXiRiSHXv added a comment to T60023: Street lamps and other artificial light sources are too resilient, difficult to disable.

This needs to be addressed, especially with the new light system being implemented, light is now something to consider when advancing on a position. Since lights can be destroyed they should also be able to be repaired. (Scroll wheel option) Please do this. It'd only further enhance the lighting effects your trying to show.

May 9 2016, 7:23 PM · Arma 3
vXiRiSHXv added a comment to T59955: Unable to put on enemy uniform.

I had the exact same idea, tried to kill an infantryman in the diver showcase and steal his clothes to blend in, I was unable to take his uniform. Confirmed bug

May 9 2016, 7:21 PM · Arma 3
vXiRiSHXv added a comment to T59611: AI do not always react to player presence..

On a side note, i have video evidence of this from my stream. Can provide if needed.

May 9 2016, 7:03 PM · Arma 3
vXiRiSHXv edited Steps To Reproduce on T59611: AI do not always react to player presence..
May 9 2016, 7:03 PM · Arma 3
vXiRiSHXv added a comment to T59607: Randomly Could not stop running.

It seems to take too long when you want to stop sprinting/running. Not responsive enough. Its caused my to run past/over cover several times, exposing myself to unnecessary fire.

May 9 2016, 7:03 PM · Arma 3
vXiRiSHXv added a comment to T59271: Models for female players.

This isn't a "Major" issue, its not game breaking and all the content hasn't been added. Period. Wrong forum, wrong severity category.

May 9 2016, 6:46 PM · Arma 3