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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 9:19 PM (625 w, 6 d)
May 9 2016
ok it is already noticed.
Yes you are right, usually you use the cumputer because it makes the life easier.
dont think you can hit something by 3d person view, but in general there is something wrong with 3d person controls.
just wanted to notice.
I also noticed the same , did following counter test. (uppon right counter under the weapon ammo) for "hand" smoke genades
Case 1)
No grenades in inventary.
pick up +1 grenade -> Inventary grenade counter value = X0
pick up +1 grenade -> Inventary grenade counter value = X1
throw -1 grenade -> Inventary grenade counter value = X1
throw -1 grenade -> Inventary grenade counter value = nothing
case 2)
pick up +1 grenade -> Inventary grenade counter value = X0
pick up +1 grenade -> Inventary grenade counter value = X1
pick up +1 grenade -> Inventary grenade counter value = X2
throw -1 grenade -> Inventary grenade counter value = X2
throw -1 grenade -> Inventary grenade counter value = X1
throw -1 grenade -> Inventary grenade counter value = nothing
1)Game is running stable now in multiplayer ( 1h hosted, for 8 ppl)
Solution was using actual nvidia graphic card drivers.( sound card driver was actual already)
2)Upto 6 ppl is running fluent(no fps drops)
3)from 7 ppl upward not recommended with my machine and connection.(low fps,yellow/red conenction)
connection: 1.5Mbit up and 25Mbit down
Thank you for your help!
note: game was hosted by me
UPDATE: changed settings for "PIP" step by step FROM ULTRA to DISABLE.
PIP: ultra to low --> still low fps
PIP: disable-> can not see moving of aim cross, but is somewhow moving because swtiching back to other setting , the aim cross is in a different possition as before
UPDATE2: changing "terrain quality" settings to "high" and below --> increasing LOT of performance (high fps)
have a similar issue using GUN cam -->high FPS drop
good question,for me also not possible to eject helicopter in air or when landed