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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 8:12 AM (628 w, 1 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
thor edited Steps To Reproduce on T109550: I got a Message after closing DayZ = Dayz.exe program error.
thor added a comment to T109037: (0022680:same issue but with error message) game froze and crashed with a error message about could not read memory.
Find the crashlog in users/&user&/appdata/local/dayz. This is my problem i can't find this directory.
thor edited Steps To Reproduce on T108504: Zombie stuck in a wall.
thor edited Steps To Reproduce on T108503: Misplaced rock.
thor edited Steps To Reproduce on T108274: Drinking from pet bottle not working.
thor edited Steps To Reproduce on T108273: Shot a chicken but couldn't skin it..
thor edited Steps To Reproduce on T108271: The game froze after three ours Cirka.
thor added a comment to T108093: Game stuck when pressing "Connect" button..
I got the same problem. But I use Win 7. DAYZ is not responding, i need to close it from Task Manager.
thor edited Steps To Reproduce on T104967: Nonscalable cement bridge.
thor set Category to category:inventory on T104339: Smersh Backpack and machete.
thor edited Steps To Reproduce on T101915: My character was not saved Experimental.
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
thor edited Steps To Reproduce on T101481: unable to pick up beer.
thor edited Steps To Reproduce on T99706: Broke a leg for no apparent reason.
thor added a comment to T99604: Unenterable garage at new town karmanovka.
I may have confused citys i think maybi the towns name is novo
thor edited Steps To Reproduce on T99605: P1 is pointing and shooting left.
thor edited Steps To Reproduce on T99604: Unenterable garage at new town karmanovka.
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
thor added a comment to T60027: Grenades do not destroy trees / fences or any other object for that matter..
This is more of an enhancement and/or new feature than it is a bug of severity "major".