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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 4:35 PM (626 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
theBLUBinYou added a comment to T65754: Ability to carry .50 cal anti-material sniper rifles in the launcher slot.
I use the R3F weapon-mod and the "heavy" sniper rifles, like the PGM Hecate, are using both, rifle AND launcher slot and this is pretty annoying...
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
theBLUBinYou added a comment to T61964: Foregrip not an attachment.
You know that the GR armory was a pre-mission armory? So youre still unable to switch weapon parts in the fight. So it has the same efect like a BiS pre-defined gun. Even the good old Rainbow Six Vegas 2 was better than GR in this way because you could (dis)mount a silencer while playing...
theBLUBinYou edited Steps To Reproduce on T60531: Player starts to "swim" after hiding a handgun.
theBLUBinYou added a comment to T60117: Ignore.
It's so stupid... Sometimes you have to observe and make sure that your target is a enemy. Don't shoot at everything which moves!