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Mar 25 2013, 2:37 PM (623 w, 14 h)

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May 10 2016

teaCup added a comment to T77385: Addon Builder checks every Folder in Drive P while binarizing.

Logs can be hard to read as it is, without the extra distractions. Voted.

May 10 2016, 8:25 AM · Arma 3
teaCup added a comment to T77368: AddonBuilder won't start: "Steam client is not running" (It is).

It worked, thanks.

May 10 2016, 8:25 AM · Arma 3
teaCup edited Steps To Reproduce on T77368: AddonBuilder won't start: "Steam client is not running" (It is).
May 10 2016, 8:25 AM · Arma 3
teaCup added a comment to T64543: Game freezes/lags when on role assignment screen.

Duplicate of 1538.

May 10 2016, 1:28 AM · Arma 3
teaCup added a comment to T64377: Game crashes frequently after 25/3/2013 update.

Probably same issue as ticket 5920, if you're using Stable and not Dev. It's not just the servers, clients also crash like crazy after the March 25 patch to Stable.

May 10 2016, 1:22 AM · Arma 3
teaCup added a comment to T64376: Lag occurs while in multiplayer lobby..

Duplicate of 1538.

May 10 2016, 1:22 AM · Arma 3
teaCup added a comment to T64285: Frequent server crashes after Memory Access Violation.

That's true, the problem was only in Stable, since the March 25 update. But Stable itself was ruined by it, becoming anything but. It forces all dedicated servers to switch to Dev, and consider that many players don't even know how to switch between Stable/Dev branches for their ArmA3 client.

May 10 2016, 1:19 AM · Arma 3
teaCup added a comment to T64285: Frequent server crashes after Memory Access Violation.

It's affecting only the Stable branch, the one updated today (25th), the Dev branch doesn't crash the servers. Crashes both dedicated servers and so called "hosted" (both client and server on the same PC, same process).

Not sure if grenade trowing causes the crash, but we tested it with 4-5 players, and we managed to crash the server every time. Sometimes all it took was a single person throwing a single grenade and BAM, server and most of the clients crashed instantly as soon as the hand grenade was "fired". The player pulls his arm back to throw it, and the crash occurs, grenade doesn't even get to fly, land, explode, etc..

May 10 2016, 1:19 AM · Arma 3
teaCup added a comment to T64285: Frequent server crashes after Memory Access Violation.

I'd love to help narrowing the problem down, but i can't think of a commonality or pattern related to the crashes. The missions work perfectly fine, until it all goes kaputt. I know for sure there were no new objects created in one mission at runtime, no createVehicle commands, no new weapons referenced. And no player came forward with the usual "i killed a snake/threw a smoke grenade - and then the server crashed" type paranoia either.

May 10 2016, 1:19 AM · Arma 3
teaCup added a comment to T64285: Frequent server crashes after Memory Access Violation.

We started Deathmatch/Capture-the-flag missions from zero. The server doesn't even have savefiles for them, so it has nothing to load from, i just checked. Still it crashes within 10 minutes.

May 10 2016, 1:19 AM · Arma 3
teaCup added a comment to T64285: Frequent server crashes after Memory Access Violation.

We updated our Stable Alpha (non-DEV) "dedicated" server this morning, and it has been crashing every 10-30 minutes ever since. Also, when one of our players hosts on their own machine, it crashes pretty soon.

The server crashes with all types of missions, and when it does, all connected clients crash as well.

3 Error logs from our server, with crashdumps.

May 10 2016, 1:19 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

teaCup added a comment to T60506: Overhaul of Squad communications.

It's clear from Asaob's video, just how painful and jarring these radio messages are. And they have been ever since OFP.
The glued together sound-bytes and the over the top voice acting feels very unnatural. But by far the worst is when you're in a group with more than 2-3 units, and they're constantly shouting, you don't have a second of silence, you can't hear vehicles, weapons being fired or yourself think, just the constant barking of sitreps and orders and what have ya.
This is present even in player-vs-player multiplayer, when it should be the players themselves communicating over chat or VON or TeamSpeak, but no. Players are forced to mute the radio volume completely, to be able to play. Ask around, everyone does it, 'cause otherwise it's unbearable.

I would love to see these voices taken out completely, at least from PvP, where there really is no reason for them to exist.

The problem with muting radio volume is that mission makers can't use it reliably to transmit mission/objective critical sounds over it. They have to turn to music, but even that's not reliable because some players mute music too - they find it annoying sometimes. So basicly, mission makers can't play any sounds to MP clients because AI radio spamming makes it unusable.

May 9 2016, 9:47 PM · Arma 3
teaCup added a comment to T60506: Overhaul of Squad communications.

I don't fault anyone for turning their music down. My beef is with the constant radio spam in multiplayer. Say for example we are 7 guys in a group, and i want to warn my squadmates about an enemy tank. I can't because my character rages:


A buddy who's just respawned goes:


Third guy who's in a firefight moans:


And so on.. it never stops. I can't hear myself think, let alone talk to the others, there's such a ruckus. So ArmA + Groups = Muted Radio. A shame, beause i'd like to use playSound or playMusic to notify the players of some mission objective changing/being accomplished, instead of writing it out to the middle of the screen in giant letters - to make sure everyone notices it. To me, all 2D overlay GUI is an immersion killer.

May 9 2016, 9:47 PM · Arma 3
teaCup added a comment to T59905: Game freeze while connecting to a server lobby.

All our community players suffer from this.

When players join a Multiplayer Lobby, there's about a minute of freeze. Players cannot pick slots, admins cannot log in, everyone has to wait it out. While this is going on, both the video and the sound freeze, sometimes intermittently. The game doesn't crash, it recovers - so it's not a game breaker, it's just a bit of a niggle.

From what we noticed, it's happening only when joining servers with verifySignatures=1. Could be the cause.

Duplicate reports: 6012, 4988, 6179. Possible duplicates: 4490, 1129, 5248.

May 9 2016, 7:18 PM · Arma 3
teaCup added a comment to T58793: Implement a visual stance indicator.

NO vote. You want your screen cluttered with text, numbers, icons, indicators, HUDs, minimaps, whatnots? Use a mod or at least make this optional. Don't add more crap to the 2D overlay. I know exactly what stance i'm in, don't need it.

May 9 2016, 3:31 PM · Arma 3