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- User Since
- Jul 19 2015, 4:26 PM (505 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
tabunopoly edited Steps To Reproduce on T115421: Crossbows don't appear in vicinity UI and can not be picked up anymore.
tabunopoly set Category to category:featurerequest on T115419: Rifle Bag.
tabunopoly added a comment to T113966: can't attach bipod.
Issue exists with all AK rifles. I have tried it on each model and you can not attach the Bipod or Weapon >Flashlight with the Rail Handguard on.
tabunopoly added a comment to T113900: stored persistenced items lags up the area...
Same here. I was pretty excited for 0.58 as I was looking forward to setting up a camp with my mates, but we have had the same issues with ours and it is nearly impossible to interact with the camp at the moment.
tabunopoly edited Steps To Reproduce on T113890: Interacting with player camps nearly impossible.
tabunopoly added a comment to T113863: Crossbow cannot be stored anywhere.
Okay cool, thanks for the quick reply!
tabunopoly set Category to category:inventory on T113863: Crossbow cannot be stored anywhere.
tabunopoly added a comment to T113640: Unable to attach Bipod on AK with Rail Handguard.
A hotfix would be much appreciated. I searched for dozens of hours to find a Rail Handguard on 0.57 and now that I have one, I can't use it.
tabunopoly added a comment to T112744: Chracter constantly shaking.
Sorry for the rather late reply, I was on vacation and didn't check my inbox. I have had this problem with 2 characters now, but I haven't had this issue since 0.58 since stable release, so it seems to be fixed.
tabunopoly set Category to category:characters on T112744: Chracter constantly shaking.
tabunopoly edited Additional Information on T112743: Stuck in Kamenka.