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- User Since
- Mar 8 2014, 5:42 PM (571 w, 23 h)
Jul 10 2016
May 10 2016
I can use really long uiSleep, but still "false".
I can confirm this. We (WOG) have same problem. All clients crashing, but server working fine. Dump:
ctrlSetPosition for 3d controls broken too.
_pos = ctrlPosition ((findDisplay 228) displayCtrl 228);
((findDisplay 228) displayCtrl 228) ctrlSetPosition _pos;
((findDisplay 228) displayCtrl 228) ctrlCommit 0;
(when ((findDisplay 228) displayCtrl 228) - 3d control).
This shouldn't change position, but position changing unpredictable.
I don't think so, may be bug. Because now cam shake support 3rd person view.
Also addCamShake doesn't work with recruit difficulty.
In 1.26 stable:
"Added: New command for setting orientation of UI object (ctrlSetDirection)"
But this command only for UI objects and doesn't work with 2D controls :(