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User Since
Jul 7 2013, 11:26 AM (610 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

sandbag747 added a comment to T69616: Small Graphical Issue on SCUBA Showcase.

I noticed it does that on all of the coastlines I saw playing anything

May 10 2016, 4:42 AM · Arma 3
sandbag747 edited Steps To Reproduce on T69616: Small Graphical Issue on SCUBA Showcase.
May 10 2016, 4:42 AM · Arma 3
sandbag747 edited Steps To Reproduce on T69614: Neck shot is not a kill?.
May 10 2016, 4:42 AM · Arma 3
sandbag747 added a comment to T69167: silenced sniper rifle.

Silenced rifles exist, why not add them in the game?

May 10 2016, 4:25 AM · Arma 3
sandbag747 added a comment to T68427: Zamak odometer is not working.

It is just an odometer, nothing to worry about

May 10 2016, 3:53 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

sandbag747 added a comment to T62009: silenced weapons are not stealthy, Difficult to make silent kill.

I have been up on a cliff overlooking the main airbase and I fired a silenced weapon once and I was shot almost instantly. There is no confusion the AI picks up the shot and knows exactly where it came from without failure

May 9 2016, 11:39 PM · Arma 3
sandbag747 added a comment to T61369: Realistic Wounding System.

The dismemberment may be a bit far...

May 9 2016, 11:02 PM · Arma 3
sandbag747 added a comment to T60819: Firing from vehicles.

The doors open now too an a lot of vehicles which could be used for firing

May 9 2016, 10:12 PM · Arma 3