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- User Since
- Sep 17 2013, 7:23 PM (597 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Hello there,
i'm interested if the locations syntax and/or the locations in Arma3 Altis, will be finished in future? or is it a given up projekt?
closer to my question:
there are citys, villages etc. predefined on Altis, but still 11 Month after my earlier posts, the predefined Locations on altis aren't finished.
(what i mean, most/some of the City Areas (locations) not fit the city (some houses not inside the location)
So i think about to create my own locations for the spots on Altis, also for the Airports (that not predefined), but thats impossible, because the set Directions syntax, do not work for location (setdir btw also not work), to make just a bigger circle will maybe work for some city, but for airports this additional help will look strange (if i do that for the main Airport, i had 2 citys in that location, because the circle will be to big).
Also strange is that it is only the set direction Syntax, that dont work, all other works fine? but without the direction syntax, all the rest is useless!
direction <- works fine
drawLocation <- unknown (not tested)
getVariable <- unknown (not tested)
importance <- works fine
in location <- works fine
locationNull <- works fine
locationPosition <- works fine
name location <- works fine
nearestLocation <- works fine
nearestLocations <- works fine
position location <- works fine
rectangular <- works fine
setDirection <- not work!!!
setImportance <- works fine
setName <- works fine
setPosition <- works fine
setRectangular <- works fine
setSide <- works fine
setSize <- works fine
setText <- works fine
setType <- works fine
setVariable <- unknown (not tested)
side location <- works fine
size <- works fine
text location <- works fine
type <- works fine
I know you guys working hard for all of us, but is it possible to finish the "Set direction" syntax a lit bit earlier?
If it help, i will spend work and find out the right fit and positions, angle for all the locations on Altis for you, and send it to you guys, for free!
(but my offer will not work without the "set direction", because the right angle is needed for it).
Or is the locations realy a givven up projekt?
thx ceeeb!
but a question to point 1.
What is then the difference between "getDir" and "Direction".
getDir = Returns the direction of a location.
Directions = Returns the direction an location is facing.
Wiki Description "direction": "Returns the direction an object or a location is facing (differs from getDir in that this also works with locations)."
What is meant with facing a location?
Or, is it in ARMA3 like this, that getDir never works for location, and the new
command is "direction"?
Point 2. is Upvoted :-)
Point 3. is Upvoted :-)
/* Location Types:
Strategic Arma 3, No Location from basic StrongpointArea Arma 3, No Location from basic FlatArea Arma 3, No Location from basic FlatAreaCity Arma 3, No Location from basic FlatAreaCitySmall Arma 3, No Location from basic CityCenter Arma 3, Locations found Airport Arma 3, No Location from basic NameMarine Arma 3, Locations found NameCityCapital Arma 3, Locations found NameCity Arma 3, Locations found NameVillage Arma 3, Locations found NameLocal Arma 3, Locations found Hill Arma 3, Locations found ViewPoint Arma 3, No Location from basic RockArea Arma 3, No Location from basic BorderCrossing Arma 3, No Location from basic VegetationBroadleaf Arma 3, No Location from basic VegetationFir Arma 3, No Location from basic VegetationPalm Arma 3, No Location from basic VegetationVineyard Arma 3, No Location from basic
_My_Searchpool = ["NameLocal"]; //Put more location types in if want
_My_COORD_XY = [15000,16000]; // Center Coordinates of Altis
_My_Range_X = 100000; // Range of Search (Whole Map)
// Find nearest location of defined type (List of all that location on Altis)
_nearestCity = nearestLocations [_My_COORD_XY, _My_Searchpool, _My_Range_X];
_location_selectNr = 0;
_location_X = _nearestCity select _location_selectNr; //1. Location of that List
_locationDir = getDir _location_X; <- Not Work Arma 3, on all locations!
_locationName = text _location_X; <- Not Work Arma 3, on basic Locations!
_location_X_name = Name _location_X; // <- Not Work Arma 3, on basic Locations!
location setDirection 45; // <- Not Work Arma 3, on all locations!
Thx again ceeeb for your quick answer!
You help me a lot! You are absolute right, set direction works perfect, was 100%
my false!
But there is a big point to know about that, otherwise you get no return of the
"direction" syntax, that was my case...
the point is the Variable have to be Global, not local!
Example 1:
_locationDir = direction _location_X; <-- do not return anything, not work!
Example 2:
_locationDir = direction location_X; <-- Works perfect.
I really spend a lot of time to find an answer of that problem, i google, read post, but nothing helped,...
And now the answer was so easy,... sry... shame on me!
Last Point, i dont know if you are from Bohemia it selfs,...
But my Offer stands, if it help i will send the rest of the missing location information, when i finished with it (ex: Airport, Armycamps etc.).
Again thx!
Today i found something out,... last time this happend also a lot of times to me,
when planes in my mission spawn, i cant move them forward, with full of power, no reaktion,...
also most of times is it 1st Hangar at main Airport... but not only, problem seems to be the tent-hangars!
Teleport plane away from hangar, it moves fine, inside Hangar it stuck...
also AI, when walk to plane, get in plane, start engine,... and 80% they dont,
able to move! without hangars Same position all works fine!
For AI dont know how to fix this, but for real player (Human) i found out, how to move forward,...
Change your user Controls in your Arma Settings for planes, dont use the (Analog) settings to accelerate and Break,
use the other one, (i mean, dont use the last in list, use the first ones at the upper part of the list).
then you never stuck as a human player with your plane.
two thinks will help,... make the Default locations able to remove/delete,
or make the default locations editable!
Problem for a Mission Maker,... You give us the wonderful ability to create
a Mission in that our dreams can become true!
but... i Agree with @Orion93
"This makes working with the default locations nearly impossible for
anything other than actual position."
the Problem is, every person have a different opinion about maybe what is the right size of a specific City location, like Abdera on Altis.
So, sure if i dont like your default locations i can create my own locations,
For a example i create new locations for all default Towns in the category "NameVillage"!
...but now, the easy way, you give us, to find all locations of a Type X in a range of X, not work that easy way now...
OK also not a big Problem, because its possible to check if the results are in My_NameVillage_LocationList, then i get also what i want,...
but it will help a lot, make the default locations editable ...
arg.... today i got same Problem, last week i started make pics for my mission,...
i retextured some car skins, all works fine,... today i spend 4 Hours on a skin for a OilBarrel... and now i find out, that setObjecttexture dosent work for Barrel,...SRY!!!
So this Issue is posted month ago,... is there any fixes next time???
Sometimes realy confusing, if you work on mission stuff, to realize some things, and it dosent work because bug No. xxxx1, xxxx2, etc...
After some DEV updates it just happend now, just sometimes to me!
After the last Stable Update, i changed to the Stable Version, so since that time it dont happent to me, but last two days it happend each day 1 time!
but Only at Ghosthawk (Black and Camo)...
Sometimes also strange, if i enter the Chopper, after that it looks like he was stuck,and its looks like he fall 10cm,... maybe he spawned to close to the ground,
and because of that he explode sometimes,...
Also i drive wit a atv to the choppers, and sometimes im to fast, and hit the chopper just a little, and he also Explode!... ordinary i can hit the chopper with the atv in full speed and nothing happend...
anyway for me it looks like the Problem is 95% fixed,... but i hear about other server, this problem is far away from fix
Since yesterday i have same Problem, i Enter the helicopter and he explode!
its not almost the same one, sometimes the little bird, sometimes the Ghosthawk,
also, one of the Tanks explode too, without enter it,...
First i was thinking it was my new mission update, but also the older versions
the Helis explode, also the UAV-Jets..
Same thing, in Editor all works fine, but on the server it Explodes!
this all starting, after the Update Yesterday 16.9.2013