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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 12:28 AM (586 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Why do people/bots post those stupid ads no one is going to click on? makes no sense what so ever!! Anyways...
THIS EXPLAINS HOW I GOT SHOT ON THE TOP ROOF OF THE HOSPITAL. It sounded like it came from under me but I was like "how would someone know I am there!?"
Here is video of it happening.
I was running towards the coast from the Northeast airfield. Running near that huge wrecked ship and it transported me back near the airfield next to the huge rocks. I was sprinting looking around in third person without my fists. It doesn't matter if your fist are out or not. Here is a zip of my files and dxdiag :
Got a video of it happening. A 5 minute video but it was taken with shadowplay from nvidia. It is high quality so it is taking 20 minutes to upload. I will post the link when it is done.
But I could go hours without it happening then go 3 minutes with it happening. It would be impossible to catch. Nothing happens before. No yellow or red broken link. Nothing. It is just random times, random places. FRAPS won't let me record more than 20 seconds anyways. I don't have money to buy it heh. ((wait I will see if geforce experience would let me record))
- It happens random places at random times. No specific place from what i see so far.
- I was just sprinting either on the coast or in the woods.
- I can try to make a video. It happens randomly so it could happen while recording but there is a possibility that it might not happen.
Also it sometimes put you back really far. One time I just got in Cherno, it did that, I was in place with the screen spinning and I could see elektro.
The next time it happens I will try to get video and I will send the dxdiag and files.
Yes. Happens to me too. Sometimes I get freaked out because someone is in the next room and I try to pull out my gun so I hit the button, nothing happens. So I press it multiple times and I just sit there watching the animation of it taking out the gun, putting it back, then taking it out again! lol. It seems like a lag server issue though.
I am using intel i7 920 OC'ed to 3.8. 6 gigs of ram and a NVIDIA 680.
I get 50-60 frames out of cities and around 30-40 in cities. It never drops below 30 though. I have everything set to high, shadows on normal, clouds off (which was a huge FPS boost for me), objects on very low (things in the distance look ugly and there is hardly any grass but it saves frames), and I also have everything disabled on the rendering tab. I also did some ini tweaking from this video right here;
There has been frame drops for me ever since the mod. It is the engine itself but the people getting 5-20 there is something wrong with that picture.
Well it was still swinging to the right and not hitting anything but when you press space to "raise" the wep or whatever then it hit where the crosshair was. I guess that is all it was... It is just different from the flashlight. You have to raise it like a gun to point it forward but with a melee weapon, for it not to swing to the right, you technically have to "unraise" it.. If that makes sense......
When it is me and a zombie out in the open there is nothing in the way obstructing the swing heh. I was only saying the fence thing because it was hitting the fence to the right instead of on the crosshair. People are typing about this problem/bug/design whatever it is here
I will try the right mouse button to see if that works.
Got another axe and stood next to a fence and swung. The axe hits to the right of the crosshair and not on the crosshair.