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- User Since
- Jul 18 2014, 2:57 PM (558 w, 9 h)
Mar 23 2017
Can confirm, happens on any official Zeus server With 16+2 Master Altis
Issue seems to be resolved with 1.68
Mar 5 2017
More data of lag state with devastator_cm mission (10 minutes)
Mar 1 2017
Feb 23 2017
I found semi-solid way to reproduce bug with my hardware:
- Join heavy script-loaded server (for example Tanoa wasteland (no mods required)
- Set your view distance to ~3200 m (both in settings and in «player menu» (~) )
- Fly any aircraft across the island for 30+ minutes
Aug 20 2016
Rust reminding everyone about this ticket
Jun 6 2016
Updated ticket. With the 1.60 camera got worse again. But we have hope with newly introduced Wipeout targeting pod!
May 10 2016
Camera movement got much more better now (v1.42), but twitching on high camera zoom is still present
Also comment from YouTube video, representing exactly what i was experiencing when talking about issue №2:
The mouse is incredibly hard to control and is very sensitive to the point of were I can't put the cross hairs on a tank at 2000 meters up and 1200 meters loiter.... This is not a problem with my mouse as I do not experience the problem when in a ground role, I'm can let go of the mouse and the camera will stay still but if I move it a fraction in any direction, the camera moves wildly away from were it was aimed at. I can find is that whenever I play, I'll move the camera but it's as though the camera is affected by the uav movement and not on a gimbal and smooth" (like on F18 mod part of the video: )
St. Jimmy, sadly it is not. Both CameraShake=0; in *.Arma3Profile and enableCamShake False; in init.sqf has no effect on issue
Turns out it is somehow affected by AI flying algorithms — when Greyhawk flying in a straight line — sight is perfectly stable, but when it flying in circular path, it jumps and shakes a lot. Same with the Kajman — when using auto-hover, zoomed up visor is shaking like crazy and without auto-hover it's almost perfectly stable. Hope this info helps
1.36 stable. Issue still present. Despite this line in changelog:
"Tweaked: Small change for speed usage in MP prediction (should lower camera zoom flicker)"
Here is the updated video of issue:
Also similar thing happens when gunner in auto-hovering attack helicopter. Do i need to make another ticket?
Ah my bad, I switched to dev branch (1.33.127690) and tested — issue appears only in multiplayer. So in order to reproduce it, you need:
- Go to editor
- Place UAV operator unit
- Place UAV (gayhawk) with elevation 500
- Save the mission for multiplayer use
- Go to multiplayer screen and hit "new"
- Start a server (lan or internet) with altis map and mission you just created.
- Open up UAV terminal
- Connect to Grayhawk
- Take turret controls
- Zoom at max level
I am not saying it must be magneticly stable (Drone in midair after all) but how it is in current version just makes aiming and designating very painful for operator
here is arma 2 example of how it can be done (without in-game representation)