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- User Since
- Jun 21 2016, 3:16 AM (453 w, 2 d)
Dec 12 2020
There should be some kind of anti hacking tools in this game.
Sep 5 2020
It is extremely frustrating to have to report hackers this way. And the anti-cheat systems sucks.
The hacker reporting systems sucks btw. Why not have it in-game, instead of having to go to the bugtracker, log in/create account, enter server info and times and so on... Killcam + "report"-button would be infinitely better.
and again at 01:56 CET/CEST...
Apr 2 2019
No launch parameters.
Removing the folder does not help.
It seems to be locked at 60 fps no matter what i do :(
Mar 26 2019
Jan 29 2019
Still not fixed. What to do?? I can't start games at all. Whenever i go into the server browser, it gets laggy/choppy even when i click "BACK" and i have to exit the game completely.
Dec 14 2018
Feb 24 2018
Ouch. This happened to me a couple of weeks ago, in the house NW of the church in Elektro. I thought that bug was fixed a long time ago, but obviously it is not :(
Mar 27 2017
I just got killed by hackers with endless ammo on Bambiland 2 ... :(
Mar 9 2017
Yes, it is a bit old, happened on december 23:rd.
It's not just magazines. I have seen it happen with other items as well.
I had just found the assault pack and was moving stuff from my old improvised pack into it. Some items wouldn't transfer and after some moving of stuff back and forth they were stuck. I wanted to break it down to get a sack, but had to leave my old buggy pack behind.
Mar 6 2017
Mar 5 2017
I haven't seent this happen since the latest update.
Nov 12 2016
Last time i think it was an CR527. I was in one of the large industrial buildings in Cherno, I held a pistol in hands, klicked on the rifle (which i was carrying on my back) and selected "empty" (i think it was empty already but i wanted to be sure). It made the "emtpying" sound, then the rifle disappeared.
Nov 7 2016
Nov 6 2016
I can confirm this. FPS is a bit lower than before but still acceptable (like 60 fps instead of 100 fps), but jitter/jerkiness/choppiness is horrible.
Sometimes it takes on other colors as well. Instead of the usual blackface, i got a hot pink face!!
Aug 18 2016
Ok, right now there's a cheater on server "BlueFish - The Good The Bad & The Ugly 24hr Day".
Aug 16 2016
@BistudioStealsMoney: "This is fcking America " - No, this is SPA... uh, THIS IS CHERNO!
Hi Geez, I probably alt-tabbed out a few times earlier (i usually do sometimes), but the textures did not appear at the moment when i tabbed in again. This was probably 5-ish minutes later, so it pretty much just happened randomly in the game.
@Sneakydude: Unfortunately I don't know the name of the server. I usually just find a server with as low ping as possible and never write down the name of it.
Tody i was in Cherno, TEC building near police station. One guy started talking,.. "hi ho, i'm friiiieeeeendly.. hahaha..." and came up through the floor (top floor) and shot me.
Please add a "/report" command so we can report when we have been killed by a (not so) 1337 haxx0r.
Punching is severly OP.
With the new UI, containers in houses (cupboards) are no longer lootable. It has nothing to do with desync.
Jul 3 2016
Jun 23 2016
Hello Geez,
Jun 21 2016
Some more info; Here are two more screenshots. At first, the cyan colored area did not appear but hand were "renamed" and as you can see, there is tuna (already eaten) and nota-cola in it at the same time. After trying to move things around, the handcuffs turns up in the upper left corner. Now there's cuffs+tuna+cola, all mixed up...