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- User Since
- Jan 1 2014, 10:42 PM (585 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Yep, happens all the time when servers restart.
Confirmed, happened to me in:
- Medical building
- Firehouse
- 2 story military barracks
I can confirm, using melee weapons feels glitchy because they shoot a bullet at the random spot in the general direction you're facing rather than feel like an actual melee weapon creating a swing arc and hitting what's in front of you.
For example you could be swinging at a zombie in front of you but the bullet shot by the melee weapon will miss the zombie and hit the wall behind it.
I currently hate using melee weapons with the way they are.
Fix for server hopping to collect loot: Make loot quality random regardless of location and allow you to enter a limited number of different servers per hour.
Fix for ghosting: Add slight randomization to where characters appear on login relative to where they logged out.
Fix for combat logging: Add 30 second timer to logging out (alt-f4 will still keep character in game for 30 seconds). Increase the timer to 1 minute if character is bleeding.
I can also confirm that during FPS drops, e.g.: looking at the wall in a city, GPU and CPU usage goes down, often below 25%. At the same spot, looking up into the sky or down into the ground raises GPU usage to 100%. CPU usage never hits 100% on any of the cores.
70+ FPS in the woods or looking at the floor/sky.
Drops to 20 FPS in a city looking at a wall.
2x GTX 560 Ti OC SLI (Arma3 profile)
i7 2600K
800 MHz CAS 8 RAM (20 GB)
Samsung SSD (450 MB/s read)
High settings, 1920x1200 resolution