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May 10 2016

kerpopkap added a comment to T63970: Change Combat Pace toggle and Walk or Run toggle Transposed..

That is exactly what I'm trying to say Psychomorph, thanks for understanding! In fact, if they address the issue I described with the remedy I described, they could apply the same thing to the "change combat pace" and "walk or run" keys, and you could very well have the controls you've described, with the solution I described. Great how that works isn't it?

Hopefully a better explanation of the current situation:

The change combat pace toggle key currently switches between two paces (1 and 2), while the walk or run toggle key puts you in a third pace (3) that overrides 1 and 2. While you are in 3, pressing the change combat pace key will still switch between 1 and 2, but you will still be in 3. when you press the walk or run toggle key, you will leave 3 and go into either 1 or 2, depending on which one you were in before you entered 3 and how many times you pressed the change combat pace toggle key while you were in 3.

As it is now, 1 and 2 is combat pace and run, while 3 is walk. it should be 1 and 2 is walk and combat pace, and 3 is run. Hopefully this makes more sense.

May 10 2016, 1:07 AM · Arma 3
kerpopkap added a comment to T63970: Change Combat Pace toggle and Walk or Run toggle Transposed..

Yeah sorry for that. I really wanted to express that it isn't an issue of improper key binding or improper naming of the keys, but that the coding was actually improperly placed.

Ignoring the description and just looking at the steps to reproduce and the additional notes makes the issue a little more clear, I hope.

May 10 2016, 1:07 AM · Arma 3
kerpopkap added a comment to T63970: Change Combat Pace toggle and Walk or Run toggle Transposed..

Yes, Stalker, you're correct. The reason that run is sometimes used rather than sprint is because in short distance like 2 meter to quickly get behind cover, running is enough, and sprint can sometimes cause you to overshoot your cover: if you change your direction at the end of your sprint by around 90 degrees, the animation automatically causes you to continue strafing in your original sprinting direction for a good meter or two. Running, however, is as controllable as combat pace or walking.

Also apologize for the dupe, but that issue report doesn't mention that pressing the change combat pace key is changing between run and combat pace in the background, as you're walking. This should stay somewhat the same, except it should instead change between walking and combat pace, as you're running. The other report just assumes that one key decreases your pace, and the other key increases your pace.

May 10 2016, 1:07 AM · Arma 3
kerpopkap added a comment to T63970: Change Combat Pace toggle and Walk or Run toggle Transposed..

the turbo key (sprint) has no problem, because it overrides all of the paces.

In other words, how it should be is, change combat pace toggle should switch between walking and fast walking, running should override walking and fast walking, and sprinting should override walking, fast walking, and running.

As it is now, change combat pace toggle switches between walking and fast walking, slow walking overrides fast walking and running, and sprinting overrides fast walking, running, and slow walking.

May 10 2016, 1:07 AM · Arma 3
kerpopkap edited Steps To Reproduce on T63970: Change Combat Pace toggle and Walk or Run toggle Transposed..
May 10 2016, 1:07 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

kerpopkap added a comment to T62146: Add a "Reset Stance Adjust" keybind -- Allow ability to quickly get out of stances.

This already exists. the "Stand up" "Crouch" and "Prone" key binds will reset your stance. For example, if you are in a modified crouch, and you press they key bound to "crouch" (not "Up" or "Go prone"), you will reset to default crouched. This is the same for "Stand up" (again, not "Up" or "Go prone"), and "Prone". However, if you are in a modified Standing and press "Crouch" or "Prone", you will go to the analogous modified "Crouch" or "Prone". Pressing "Crouch" or "Prone" again will then reset to modified "Crouch" or "Prone".

That being said, this only works if you are standing still. If they could make it so that the same effect happens while you are moving, that would be even better! For that reason, +1 to your issue report.

For your original problem though, I suggest trying out the "Stand up" "Crouch" and "Prone" key binds, rather than the "Up" and "Go prone" key binds. They might alleviate some of your frustration for the time being.

May 9 2016, 11:47 PM · Arma 3
kerpopkap added a comment to T60184: Combat pace only modifies run.

So assuming by your controls, tarciop, if you're in either walk, run or sprint, you would use the respective key of the pace you are already in to return to combat pace? This would work, however I can see this being just as counter intuitive to movement as you would essentially have to rely on 3 different keys just to return to combat pace.

May 9 2016, 9:30 PM · Arma 3
kerpopkap added a comment to T60184: Combat pace only modifies run.

Basically all they need to do is transpose the Function Calls (Code) for Slow walk and Run, so that Combat Pace switches between Combat Pace and Walk, and Walk or Run toggle turns on Run.

May 9 2016, 9:30 PM · Arma 3
kerpopkap added a comment to T60184: Combat pace only modifies run.

It could, but some players prefer the current scheme, and it is one that is in line with previous iterations of Arma, therefore coming over from Arma 2 to Arma 3 won't be as much of a leap. Even I prefer the current scheme of toggles, my only gripe is that they transposed the run and slow walk functions in the code.

You do however, bring up an excellent point; it should be up to the player. If they could keep this current scheme but fix the current problem we're discussing, and add the options of either separate key binds for each speed or using your proposed "middle mouse scroll speeds" control scheme, that would be outstanding.

They've already implemented something similar for the stances as far as your mentioned "map any movement speeds to individual, separate key binds". The "Stand up" "Crouch" and "Prone" keys are separate key binds specifically for each stance, whereas the "Up" and "Go prone" keys are toggle crouch and toggle prone functions, respectively. This is nice, as it provides options as to whether the player would like to use toggles, or simply bind keys to each stance; I myself prefer the latter. To do the same for movement speed could be just as effective.

The scroll speed type of speed control scheme you proposed was utilized in the early Splinter Cell games for PC, however you may find it would be counter intuitive for Arma 3 as Splinter Cell is a based on Stealth. There are very few times where you have to emergency run or sprint to cover or out of an area; in Splinter Cell you have the luxury of being more deliberate with your movement, whereas in Arma 3 you might find situations that you need to quickly press a button to go straight to your run, as that is the most intuitive to you.

May 9 2016, 9:30 PM · Arma 3
kerpopkap added a comment to T60184: Combat pace only modifies run.

Yes, but the issue is overly simplified, it's not a matter of just the key slows you down, but doesn't speed you up, because that isn't what the key is coded to do. The change combat pace toggle key currently switches between two paces (1 and 2), while the walk or run toggle key puts you in a third pace (3) that overrides 1 and 2. While you are in 3, pressing the change combat pace key will still switch between 1 and 2, but you will still be in 3. when you press the walk or run toggle key, you will leave 3 and go into either 1 or 2, depending on which one you were in before you entered 3 and how many times you pressed the change combat pace toggle key while you were in 3.

As it is now, 1 and 2 is combat pace and run, while 3 is walk. it should be 1 and 2 is walk and combat pace, and 3 is run. Hopefully this makes more sense.

May 9 2016, 9:30 PM · Arma 3
kerpopkap added a comment to T60184: Combat pace only modifies run.

I agree, however, the problem isn't simply a press a button to speed up, and press a button to slow down. As it is now, pressing the change combat pace key (for you it's C) is changing between run and combat pace in the background, as you're walking. This should stay somewhat the same, except it should instead change between walking and combat pace in the background, as you're running. As Stalker 1 stated on the issue report I submitted (0005604), the control scheme should look like this.

"Ok, so you mean like this (Keys are just examples)



(W+S) Combat Run(With crossair)
(W+S) Combat Walk

If you could, please vote up 0005604, it is a bit of a dupe, but it has a more insight to how the game is actually reading the controls and what is actually happening when you press the change combat pace toggle key and the walk or run toggle key.

May 9 2016, 9:30 PM · Arma 3