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- User Since
- Dec 18 2013, 8:50 AM (585 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
kalips added a comment to T88744: Do I really need a can opener when I have an axe?.
This is not a issue or a bug. Downvote.
kalips added a comment to T88151: Torch Light needs to follow head tracking, not direction 'body' is facing/walking.
I would add here that the light follow your hands when you do any action with it. Kinda weird.
kalips added a comment to T87606: Character teleport to a previous spot.
Really annoying, I just ran for 30 minutes the exact same distance... can't really go far
kalips added a comment to T87065: sound of the ocean....
Yep, reduce the sound range too!
kalips added a comment to T86888: Third person gives unfair advantage / decreases experience of the game.
Not a bug.