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- User Since
- May 25 2013, 2:03 PM (614 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
May 10 2016
A tactical shield would be extremely helpful now that we can fight inside more due to the removal of blocky and sticky (ie getting stuck every foot) play.
May 9 2016
I agree that you should be able to view down scopes with NVGs if it is actually possible. This is coming from a someone that has no experience on the matter, however has played too much arma. I would imagine when you look down a scope with NVGs you would have to factor in that you would be further away from the scope, so maybe make it so when you view down scope with NVGs the scope appears further away from the FOV?
I play on medium graphics settings with 1700 viewdistance, and with a reasonable amount of AI 30-50 units the FPS is around 30-45 SP with afew loop scripts. If they could fix this, the game would by far take the lead in the market. I have stripped windows down to its bare bones. MP with around 50 players and small amounts of AI I get 40-60 depending on the view.
i7 3820 3.6GHz 16 Gb 580GTX Asus 1.5Gb // Win7 64bit