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User Since
Feb 15 2014, 1:44 PM (579 w, 6 d)

Recent Activity

Jul 12 2022

hegysk added a comment to T166511: Keep crashing when I join a server.

Happened to me too, couple of times now, actually.

Jul 12 2022, 9:47 AM · DayZ

Mar 8 2021

hegysk added a comment to T155184: Noticeable Server FPS issues 1.10.

Up for me aswell, It's quite strange there is so much silence about this issue which is persisting I believe since 1.10 patch dramatically. We were advised to not play on official servers - strange but fair enough we will do what we can to be able to play DayZ - we did not found one community vanilla server in acceptable shape, even the most reputable ones seems to be struggling on this, multiple cut server capacity by significant amount and as WiiDEVil says, they also did various config changes compromising AI on the servers yet still, it's pretty rough at times.

Mar 8 2021, 8:20 AM · DayZ

Feb 22 2021

hegysk added a comment to T156922: Cheater DE 1297.

Oh and by the way, atleast get this bullshit out of your sites and explain to your developer "ImpulZ" that you don't give a flying one about that so he doesn't mislead people willing to contribute to waste their time here.

Feb 22 2021, 6:03 PM · DayZ
hegysk added a comment to T156922: Cheater DE 1297.

This is actually crazy response given I made sure I collected everything possible to help YOU to get rid of cheater(s) who are obliterating YOUR server(s) besides we've been alpha and beta testing this game for free (actually, we even paid for it) for almost a decade now.

Feb 22 2021, 5:45 PM · DayZ
hegysk updated the task description for T156922: Cheater DE 1297.
Feb 22 2021, 11:09 AM · DayZ
hegysk updated the task description for T156922: Cheater DE 1297.
Feb 22 2021, 11:03 AM · DayZ
hegysk created T156922: Cheater DE 1297.
Feb 22 2021, 11:02 AM · DayZ

Jan 14 2021

hegysk added a comment to T155184: Noticeable Server FPS issues 1.10.

Thanks, Geez, for updating us.

Jan 14 2021, 8:34 AM · DayZ

Jan 12 2021

hegysk created T156150: All official 1pp servers down.
Jan 12 2021, 5:00 PM · DayZ
hegysk added a comment to T155184: Noticeable Server FPS issues 1.10.

No answer status update for last 10 days, you could atleast let us know what's going on, what's planned, if cause is identified and some ETAs on hotfix. Official servers are in unplayable state as a multiplayer game. I measured official server delay and if I am correct, server is running around 0.8 ticrate (fps). Action delay is ~1.5s in high pop. As much as we'd love to play officials it's simply not bearable anymore.

Jan 12 2021, 10:40 AM · DayZ

Jan 3 2021

hegysk added a comment to T154044: Garden Plots.

I read numerous reddit/forum posts with questions about this I really believe this is an easy to fix issue with huge impact on basebuilding. This alone can keep your base absolutely exposed for example, we built an enterance to our base, afterwards we put a garden plot behind it (clipping fences a bit). Later on, we found some metal sheets so we dismantled wooden walls to replace and you can't build anymore. And you really don't have any other option than wait who knows how long (please, if someone competent is seeing this comment - let me know despawn mechanics of plots if it's affected by flagpole and if it's affected by players moving over it - thanks!).

Jan 3 2021, 7:06 PM · DayZ Xbox
hegysk added a comment to T155184: Noticeable Server FPS issues 1.10.

First of all - HNY to all of you guys.

Jan 3 2021, 7:02 PM · DayZ

Dec 7 2020

hegysk added a comment to T155184: Noticeable Server FPS issues 1.10.

After a week of playing i can say it is so much better indeed. Most of the time you have no problems but when it comes to pvp combat ocassionaly, you are doomed, unless target is standing still you are not going to hit it by intent, you are going to hit by lucky roll or not going to hit at all. I would love to see some further optimizaton.

Dec 7 2020, 9:45 AM · DayZ

Dec 1 2020

hegysk added a comment to T155184: Noticeable Server FPS issues 1.10.

For me servers are now absolutely brilliant. 0 kicks over 4 hours, no noticable delay/desync. Good work!

Dec 1 2020, 9:23 PM · DayZ
hegysk added a comment to T155184: Noticeable Server FPS issues 1.10.

I think it is. The disconnects are hand in hand with server performance. The worse it is (rubberbanding, delays, desync) the more frequent disconnects (kicks) are.
Yesterday I scored record with ~3 kicks within 1 minute of playtime, Idk what was going on yesterday on official but it was really bad, desync was so strong I couldn't sprint with Epi pen because my stamina drained before server registered and refreshed my stamina (epi). Hell I am way more hyped for this hotfix than entire major patch. I really hope BI can find a way how to properly stress test their patches before release, it feels like they are limited to few volunteers on exp branch and that's it - not enough. I am all about to help testing such things but really I didn't see any requests for help from BI on socials and if there is a place like dev forum, I don't dig this deep.

Dec 1 2020, 8:34 AM · DayZ

Nov 29 2020

hegysk added a comment to T155184: Noticeable Server FPS issues 1.10.

Spaggie thank's for information provided, it helps a lot just to know things are moving.

Nov 29 2020, 7:57 PM · DayZ
hegysk added a comment to T155184: Noticeable Server FPS issues 1.10.

Any updates for us? Is there any reasonable ETA? Can you share whats root cause, maybe atleast community server owners could react by adjusting config if possible.
We keep playing although it is how it is now - we observed that sometimes official servers run pretty well, sometimes its not really playable anymore, regardless of time or player count, thats weird. Also the performance appearently fluctuates sometimes server runs smoothly for a minute or two then IT goes downhill again for some time.

Nov 29 2020, 1:43 PM · DayZ

Nov 23 2020

hegysk added a comment to T155184: Noticeable Server FPS issues 1.10.

"our" medium populated official server was absolutlely unplayable yesterday we also quit DayZ for time being, I think it was bit better on friday and saturday - it was bad but i dont think as bad. Yesterday it was just 0.37 experience.
I played on some community servers, I have to say you guys running those are doing actually very good job, compared to official I felt like I joined csgo server.

Nov 23 2020, 10:02 AM · DayZ
hegysk updated the task description for T155200: Official, EU, 1pp - server performance.
Nov 23 2020, 9:39 AM · DayZ

Nov 21 2020

hegysk added a comment to T155200: Official, EU, 1pp - server performance.

PS: We played since 20.11.2020, 9pm till ~1am (next day).
Server: DayZ NL 3664734 HC

Nov 21 2020, 1:48 AM · DayZ
hegysk created T155200: Official, EU, 1pp - server performance.
Nov 21 2020, 1:41 AM · DayZ

Jun 21 2017

hegysk added a comment to T125617: 2 players gotten massive fps drop/game crash at same place.

Dear Geez,

Jun 21 2017, 12:54 PM · DayZ

Jun 15 2017

hegysk updated the task description for T125617: 2 players gotten massive fps drop/game crash at same place.
Jun 15 2017, 10:00 AM · DayZ
hegysk created T125617: 2 players gotten massive fps drop/game crash at same place.
Jun 15 2017, 9:49 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

hegysk edited Steps To Reproduce on T95277: Server change problem.
May 10 2016, 8:25 PM · DayZ