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- User Since
- Jun 18 2014, 2:44 PM (561 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
habvero set Category to category:inventory on T104192: First aid kits on the floor shows no loot in them, but they are full with loot.
habvero set Category to category:weapons on T104191: Can't eject ammo from shotgun.
habvero added a comment to T104071: Hacking tools.
Happened to us aswell today. My two friend lost their guns from their hands. And some equipment from their bags!
habvero added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.
Same issue here.
habvero added a comment to T103733: M4 rifle is not spawning at heli crashes since 0.49.
MP5 spawns extremly rare or not att all, too
habvero set Category to category:items on T103731: No loot spawns, at the woodden floored tents in tent cities.
habvero set Category to category:items on T103730: Loot items made shadows on the floor below, in the police station.
habvero added a comment to T103700: [Misconfigured 1st/3rd Person servers]: Spawned in 1st person server with my 3rd person character.
Happenned to me too. Yesterday we were playing on hardcore server, but it went down and we wanted to rejoin to another 1st person server, but we noticed our regular/3rd person chars came up.
Today I joined on to a 1st person server, and when it restarted, I have logged out, and and I rejoined on another 1st persson server, with my regular char :S
habvero added a comment to T103700: [Misconfigured 1st/3rd Person servers]: Spawned in 1st person server with my 3rd person character.
It just happened to me 5 mins ago
I played in this server with my hardcore char.:
Then logged out and reconnect to this one, where i spawned with my regular char: