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- User Since
- Jan 12 2015, 11:01 PM (532 w, 4 d)
May 11 2016
Got no message received when trying to reproduce resulting in timeout or nothing.
Doesn't actually work, get no message recieved error and none of my actions do anything. This guy was either just on a laggy server or it's staged.
Something similar to this also happened to me on .58 exp where I crafted an improvised knife and it bugged in my hands invisibly until re-logging.
I've noticed this issue also applies to trucks on both soft and hard resets as well, so if you sink them in the ground or get them stuck they wont respawn either. The only way to fix this I guess would to be change it to non-persistence or wait for weekly maintenance. I'm worried wiping persistence on the server will make no Heli's spawn.
When the character wakes up but still has black screen, using an emote like F2 will fix the bug, otherwise if they're awake but still getting black screen relogging will fix this. There's another similar issue I put in the tracker with blood bags causing people to never wake up and is probably a bug tied to the "state" system around consciousness.
Hacked gear everywhere on steam profile... maybe you just cloned too many items hacker.
I can confirm all blood was O- and is not tied to blood poisoning.
The m4 suppressed is still completely silent at more than 50m, which is very unrealistic. The sound is somewhat accurate from the barrel but definitely not loud enough, have you ever heard real rifle suppressors in a shooting range? They still ring out very loud up to 400m easily. There's a reason in that video the operator is still wearing hearing protection.
As to the sound issue with deafened gunshots on even un-silenced weapons it's most likely tied to characters that log in with their guns loaded, because I've been unable to hear my friends firing until they reload when we join servers. This doesn't happen all the time, but more often on laggy/full servers.