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- Mar 6 2013, 6:37 PM (626 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Just came across #23450. Same issue as reported here.
edit: removed # from mouse btn #5 because of formatting.
Just found this report. I have the same issue.
Duplicate, Check out
This started happening today for me when updating the devbuild(haven't played in a week or so), crash logs submitted.
Win7 Pro 64
ATI 7970 (13.10b2)
Gigabyte Z77x-UD3H
32GB ram
I've been wondering if this is the issue I've been having with A3 unloading textures from vmem; the game is hitting its LAA limit.
I had GPUs that had 896MB of vmem, so playing on normal or low textures was a must, but the game still kept unloading textures before filling up my available GPU memory.
Now, with 3072MB of vmem, the game STILL unloads textures, but it seems to happen when using about 2500MB of vmem, so I am thinking the game is using up its full 3GB of address space.
Does this sound correct? I would assume that the way this engine handles textures it cannot take full advantage of the available GPU memory.
When unloading textures, the game almost completely freezes up for 1-2 seconds regardless of if its running off a mechanical HDD, SSD or a ramdisk.
@Dave Zember - SSD will help all around system performance. Arma will load much faster unless you are running some sort of striped raid array with mechanical HDDs. There will be slightly less texture pop when loading an area for the first time. Search for frag85 on the BISforums, I have made a few posts about HDD/SSD performance for A1, 2 and 3.
May 9 2016
On the first launch A2/A3 always crashes when Freetrack is run for the first time (FT is run before A2/A3, or FT is closed and re-started).
For A2 I was told that it was a problem with the FT API, but I do not have this issue in dozens of other games I play. It also showed up in a forum post.
PS3 Eyetoy with CL (did this with other versions of the CL Eye driver
as well)
Changes in the dev patch over the past couple days; July 22 (with July 19's rev. 07978 patch and 23 rev. 08127 patch). Changes were definitely in the right direction after a few quick flights in the H-9 and UH-80 variants.
I noticed that especially on the lighter airframes, roll and pitch sensitivity feels really high compared to previous Arma games. Using a hotkey with my logitech mouse software I reduced my sensitivity from 800dpi to 400 and 200dpi to counteract this.
Also, as accelerating the helos seem to drift quite a bit before centering on my intended heading, or take more adjustments to get there. I don't know if this is intended, or is part of a more realistic helo model. For example in A2, all helos will 'snap' to a direction and the rudder will have little affect on heading and air speed once you accelerate beyond a certain threshold. In A3 I noticed I can be slightly crabbing the helo to a higher speed. I like this, it seems more realistic, but I can see it being troublesome for some pilots. I know it caught me by surprise a few times.
I'm sure a helo guro/pilot could better explain these opinions on it though. I'd just like to see the helos be usable by 'most' people coming from the previous arma games.
Try this in the editor, go up to 20m and time how long it takes to touch the ground with using a button for "Collective Lower" and then again with an axis for "Collective Lower (analog)"
If you have the "Collective Lower (analog") bound do an axis, you can decrease altitude much quicker than a button "Collective Lower" (non analog setting).
Do you have same issue in other games?
No (sort of). A3 is the only game that does this.(Note: A2 did this on a beta version I was running, sorry I do not know which one anymore, it does not do this as of Beta 1.62.102678 or SteamVersion1.62.95248)
Do you have same issues, when you play only on primary monitor?
No. It does not happen with surround disabled.
Fixed in the BETA!
Do you have same issue with fullscreen window mode?
Yes. Going from full screen windowed to full screen behaves like going from windowed to full screen (just clicking the option in the drop down menu does it) and I get a full system lockup.
However, changing from Fullscreen to Fullscreen Window, then immediately hitting ESC to get out of the Video options menu without ever hitting OK (which reverts back to Fullscreen) does not freeze the system.
Fullscreen windowed also has the same performance hit as windowed mode and makes the game unplayable for me. Its about 40-50% drop in framerate (from around 50FPS to less than 30fps in a benchmark mission, and 40-60FPS flying or running around Stratis to 15-30FPS) and a lot of input lag, stuttering video/controls and close to 1/4 second of input lag (yes, its that bad). Should I open a new ticket for poor windowed performance on here, or is this an nvidia issue?
No dumps (by the game in the ArmA 3 folder, or by windows) or items in the Event Log. Running the latest 314.22 drivers. I have a support ticket open with Nvidia, but it has been not been updated since March 27th.
Do you use more than one monitor?
Yes, I am running Nvidia Surround on 3 1280x1024 monitors. I got rid of my TH2G a few years ago so I have no other way to testing this running 3 monitors. It does NOT appear to do this in single monitor, non-sli modes.
There have been no dumps or reports being created when this crash happens.
Appears fixed, have not had this happen in some time.
Appears to be fixed now (unless not being able to do it has to do with rebinding some of my movement/stance keys).
Still happening in the Beta.
Found out it can happen in any stance:
This occurs in other stances. If you hold the Stance key, and quickly press+hold 2 movement keys(one left/right, one forward back) you will slide. High standing you will slide slow, anything else you appear to slide quickly.
I made a quick demo here: