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Game crashes system when returning to full screen from windowed or minimized.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The game will cause the whole system to freeze, requiring a hard reboot. I have tried 301.xx-314.xx drivers with the same result. In A2 this happens when the game's refresh rate does not match my desktop refresh rate, but in A3 it appears to have the same crash behavior regardless of refresh rate.

Workaround: If I find myself alt-tabbed, I simply force close A3 via the Taskbar or TaskManager. If I need to change the resolution, I do so in the config file.

Similarly, this happens to me in the latest Beta versions of A2 if the game runs at a refresh rate other than 60hz. {F17081} {F17082}


Legacy ID
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Load up the game in full screen.
  2. Alt Tab out of the game
  3. Tab back in, or click on the game in the taskbar to bring it back to full screen.


  1. Alt-Enter to bring the game to windowed mode
  2. Alt-Enter to bring back full screen


  1. Load up the game
  2. Change the full screen resolution
Additional Information

i5 3570K
Nvidia GTX275 SLI. currently on 314.07 drivers. (only 301.xx+ drivers work on the Z77 chipset)

Event Timeline

frag85 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 6 2013, 8:31 PM
frag85 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
frag85 set Category to Game Freezes.
frag85 set Reproducibility to Always.
frag85 set Severity to Major.
frag85 set Resolution to Fixed.
frag85 set Legacy ID to 3579904520.May 7 2016, 11:05 AM

I can confirm that this does not happen to everyone. I minimize and change screen mode a good bit and have not seen this particular issue yet.

Do you use more than one monitor?


frag85 added a subscriber: frag85.May 7 2016, 11:05 AM
frag85 added a comment.Mar 6 2013, 8:55 PM

Do you use more than one monitor?

Yes, I am running Nvidia Surround on 3 1280x1024 monitors. I got rid of my TH2G a few years ago so I have no other way to testing this running 3 monitors. It does NOT appear to do this in single monitor, non-sli modes.

It happened repeatedly to me today, while I was doing some scripting and editing and was alt-tabbing out a lot to read scripting forums. Most of the time it would be quite happy to alt-tab in and out, but occasionally it would break and give me a permanent blank, black screen instead. I did get out of it the first time by pressing alt-tab a few times and then alt-escape, but subsequent occurences of the bug failed to respond to this.

I could get to the ctrl-alt-tab screen from there, using Windows 7, but clicking any of its controls or trying the Task Manager just made them fade out again, as normal, but without any consequence. I eventually had to turn the PC off with its Off button, and restart.

It happened three times before I stopped, and each time I think it was about 5 minutes before it went black.

One monitor, 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz);
Intel Core i5-3570K CPU, 8192MB RAM;
AMD Radeon HD 7700 w/ 729 MB memory;
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431).

We need files from this folder to solve your problem. C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Alpha\

Can you upload it somewhere in winrar package please?
If package is smaller than 5,000k, so you can attach it here. Thank you.

frag85 added a comment.Mar 7 2013, 7:19 PM


There have been no dumps or reports being created when this crash happens.

Can you still reproduce this with current versions? If yes, please check if you can find any dumps.

No dumps (by the game in the ArmA 3 folder, or by windows) or items in the Event Log. Running the latest 314.22 drivers. I have a support ticket open with Nvidia, but it has been not been updated since March 27th.

Do you have same issue with fullscreen window mode? You can set it in video options.

Do you have same issue with fullscreen window mode?
Yes. Going from full screen windowed to full screen behaves like going from windowed to full screen (just clicking the option in the drop down menu does it) and I get a full system lockup.

However, changing from Fullscreen to Fullscreen Window, then immediately hitting ESC to get out of the Video options menu without ever hitting OK (which reverts back to Fullscreen) does not freeze the system.

Fullscreen windowed also has the same performance hit as windowed mode and makes the game unplayable for me. Its about 40-50% drop in framerate (from around 50FPS to less than 30fps in a benchmark mission, and 40-60FPS flying or running around Stratis to 15-30FPS) and a lot of input lag, stuttering video/controls and close to 1/4 second of input lag (yes, its that bad). Should I open a new ticket for poor windowed performance on here, or is this an nvidia issue?


Do you have same issue in other games?
Do you have same issues, when you play only on primary monitor?

Do you have same issue in other games?
No (sort of). A3 is the only game that does this.(Note: A2 did this on a beta version I was running, sorry I do not know which one anymore, it does not do this as of Beta 1.62.102678 or SteamVersion1.62.95248)

Do you have same issues, when you play only on primary monitor?
No. It does not happen with surround disabled.

Fixed in the BETA!
