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- User Since
- Jul 3 2013, 9:44 PM (606 w, 3 d)
Jul 9 2018
Aug 19 2016
Played with v15 of the Profiling 1.62 binary. No crash experienced, even after a couple of hours. Here are two sessions of FRAME captures.
Jul 28 2016
This is with the v8 profiling exe
Jul 27 2016
after crash
Another crash but FRAME capture process did not work.
Jul 26 2016
Updated to v7 of the profiling branch. Crash was a black screen and 0 fps reading. Memory went to about 8GB steadily (3.2GB used after closing the crashed Arma3.exe). COULD NOT USE THE FRAME CAPTURE PROCEDURE. It did not respond to the steps of LSHIFT+NUM MINUS FRAME.
Jul 20 2016
All the captures in the previous comment were during the same game session and on the same server within just a few minutes of each other.
This is a crash that recovered when I did FRAME.
This is a crash that recovered when I did FRAME.
This is a crash that recovered when I did FRAME.
This is a crash that recovered when I did FRAME.
This is not a crash and was performed IMMEDIATELY after the ARMACRASH6 capture and the game had recovered.
After another couple of minutes, my screen went black and I could not use the FRAME capture process. Other players reported that I disconnected with a "Battleye not responding error".
Jul 17 2016
These are the system status details from the CRASH2 incident (Sun Jul 17 @ 9:19am). Note the large RAM and pagefile usage. RAM is usually just below 3GB and pagefile less than 5GB.
Another crash report from the FRAME command.
Jul 16 2016
From a crash today. Interesting is that after I did a COPY ALL, the game engine recovered and I was able to force a respawn to go back into a usable game. This happened without quitting the game and rejoining as I normally have to do.
Jul 12 2016
I did a verify integrity and it showed no issues. I don't play except on that one server. I think others have reported the same problem so this might be a duplicate to be merged with another bug report.
Experience same issue in 1.62 APEX on Tanoa.
Jul 5 2016
Another crash report:
Another crash report:
Jul 4 2016
May 10 2016
This problem isn't that hard to reproduce. I regularly play on the 7thCavalry Tactical Realism #1 and #2 servers that run the Invade & Annex mission. It regularly occurs that if someone gets in the co-pilot seat of a Mohawk or Ghosthawk and the player exits the chopper, they pop up and appear to hit the blades.
This problem isn't just one of "commanders are responsible" (which is not even true in the game because it's the pilot/driver that is named as the killer even if there is an occupied Commander position in the vehicle). This is one where the scoring system is not keeping accurate account of the blame. The behavior was also present in Arma 2 and really should get fixed.
I can confirm the recent hotfix has resolved the crashes for me.
Same problem for me:
Debug files at
DXdiag at
This issue is worse than lag, as the engine appears to calculate the bodies hitting the helicopter and ultimately damaging it. For example, get into the co-pilot seat and if this "bug" happens then the player's body can be seen bouncing outside of the chopper up into the rotors. The rotors then become damaged.
May 9 2016
The recent hotfix on Oct 2nd resolved these crashes for me.
Also experience the crash from the PhysX DLL.
DXdiag is at
Debug files are at
Happens to me a lot.