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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 7:00 AM (587 w, 3 d)
May 24 2018
Dec 8 2016
Oh, not sure what the other one is, sorry.
Crafting a fireplace.
Dec 7 2016
May 11 2016
Yep, but try to go prone or crouch, result =
Theres sway when you are prone/crouch and zero sway when you are stand up.
@Paper26 Thats the plan. Those were removed couple experimentals ago from the newui, they just tested them it seems.
@Paper26 You mean this one ?
Do you mean status indicators(icons) or text on bottom left screen?
My problems is after the small update that now i dont see the text that tells you your status (need something to drink etc).
But you have to realize that devs are aware that their build are at somepoint broken.
Brian Hicks: A few status reports ago I mentioned the fact that as we move forward through the development of DayZ, people *will* see more things break, more bugs, and so on. Part of getting access to DayZ as early as we've allowed via the Early Access program means that you're seeing the real ups and downs of game development. I've seen people over the last few months on forums, twitter, and so on mention the back and forth stability of builds as if this is an anomaly - an oddity in software or game development.
This bugtracker is feeling more and more like Dayz subreddit.
Dont post this shit here.
Yeah true but more servers doesnt resolve the desync issue. Just have to wait for new patch this week.
It was weekend so...
And i have never seen those 3 servers full.
Does that include items on pants, shirts etc?
I have that rice on my shirt which is on the floor (picture).
I believe its coming as soon as they get their new animation system in.+many more things like that.
Yep, was going to report this too.
YOu should then be able to access your inventory to drink/eat.
Or thats how its gonna be and this is the only way to do it atm.
Yep, Confirmed.
Steam-Dayz-propeties-Set launch parameters = -dologs
then can be found here: C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\DayZ\
Gonna upload my dumbs here too, dont wanna do another report.
May 10 2016
Tested again. Another player put burlap on my head, screen went black. When i took it out, screen was still black.