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- Apr 3 2013, 10:44 AM (622 w, 1 d)
Oct 16 2017
Oct 14 2017
Mar 15 2017
I tryed to do a mission with 4 teams. using the Civilian Side as guerrilla. Was annoying to have wildlife capturing all the sectors.
Jan 2 2017
I have the same problem. But for me the errors are this ones.
May 10 2016
I agree with the topic, I would like to do or play a MP mission with CSAT, NATO, AAF, and FIA all against each other.
Have the same problem. Also Left Control have problems too.
The [E] is for some reason working as "Turbo for Vehicles" no matter what you actually have in the options menu, so it works like the Ciclic Forward always!
The [Left Control] key have the same problems like in Arma 2 but worst.
While using the left control the rest of the keyboard don't work, you can't use countermeasures, for example. And the mouse only work if you are in the third person cam, while using the first person cam the mouse don't work.
Yes, that is actually true. In my opinion the deafult controls in Arma 2 & Arma 3 for the choppers are useless.
I only play the game with mouse and keyboard, I would like to have some joystick for chopper but I don't.
My deafult controls recommended to use the choppers with the keyboard and mouse are.
Cyclic forward - [W]
Cyclic backward - [S]
Cyclic left - [A]
Cyclic Right - [D]
Collective Raise - [Space]
Collective Lower - [Left Control]
Pedal Left - [Q]
Pedal Right - [E]
And for Aiming I use the mouse too.
Cyclic forward - [W] / Mouse Down
Cyclic backward - [S] / Mouse Up
Pedal Left - [Q] / mouse left
Pedal Right - [E] / mouse right
The left control Key have a problem at least in Arma 2, and is that while pressing left control for going low the rest of the keys of the keyboard stop working. But in that way you can use all the common controls of the chopper with a familiar bindings.
In Arma 3 with that control configuration I have even more problems.
The [E] is for some reason working as "Turbo for Vehicles" so it works like the Ciclic Forward mixed with my Pedal right binding.
The [Left Control] key have the same problems like in Arma 2 but worst.
While using the left control the rest of the keyboard don't work, you can't use countermeasures, for example. And the mouse only work if you are in the third person cam, while using the first person cam the mouse don't work.
May 9 2016
I had the Zone Alarm problem too.