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- User Since
- Nov 5 2016, 6:03 PM (432 w, 5 d)
Feb 20 2019
Dec 18 2017
Hi Geez, thanks to you and the devs for fixing TrackIR. Its a great addition to the Dayz experience. To bad now I just went to try it again I find my trackclip broken after 2 days of playing. None the less I'll order a new one. For the time being I noticed that I keep getting disorientated when it comes to the arms (of character) coordination compared to where I'm looking. Meaning that every time I raise my weapon it turns out to be pointing not where I expect it. I think this is because we use the circle cross hair as main aiming point but because of using the trackir it is detached from the character direction. My suggestion to resolve this is to have another crosshair that keeps visualizing where your character is pointed; i.e where you would point your weapon when you raise it. Do you think this would be possible? I think it would make playing dayz using some sort of head tracker/VR device more intuitive and pleasant. Regards Deacon!
Jan 19 2017
I still find it odd and results for me and many others (check the other bugreports, T89972, T88243) to not use the headlights.
I hope you can find a way to get the head positions in order with the new player controller so you can have the light pointing towards the middle of the screen. Otherwise imo having this item ingame seems kind of pointless.
When I use a headlight in real life I adjust it to shine straight ahead, please try It out ingame for a longer period and you'd find its hardly usable.
Jan 14 2017
Jan 12 2017
Ok just made screenshots of latest exp branch:
Without weapon hands down
Without weapon hands up
One handed weapon down
One handed weapon up
Two handed weapon down
Two handed weapon up