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Headlight (head mounted light) beam alignment is off
Reviewed, NormalPublic


When using the headlight the beam is not pointed to the center off the cross-hair. This makes it so that when looting its hard to highlight items because they are just out of the light beam. Also this is very uncomfortable to work with when using trackir or any other head tracker/VR device. Please align the light beam to the center of the cross-hair to fix.


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Put headlight on head and turn on. Try to highlight item on the ground and you will notice the beam is off to the bottom side.

Additional Information

Died before being able to make a screenshot :-(

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Nov 9 2016, 1:12 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello deacon_dr_slick2 and thank you for the report.
Does this issue occur with empty hands, or only when wielding weapons? Were your arms raised or lowered?

deacon_dr_slick2 added a comment.EditedJan 12 2017, 1:27 AM

Ok just made screenshots of latest exp branch:
Without weapon hands down
Without weapon hands up
One handed weapon down
One handed weapon up
Two handed weapon down
Two handed weapon up

Appears that in all screens the beam is pointed towards the ground and with weapon/hands up the beam is even lower,

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Reviewed.Jan 19 2017, 11:53 AM

Hello deacon_dr_slick2.
This occurs due to the beam being projected from the headtorch on your characters head. That means the source of the beam is placed slightly above the player camera and mimics the movement of the characters head. The reason for the angle being slightly different with raised arms / while wielding weapons is due to the character animation changing and the head moving slightly to an angle. Changing the angle of the beam coming from the headtorch would cause issues if in other situations if player has angled the characters head. Due to that we currently do not plan to change the direction of the beam.

deacon_dr_slick2 added a comment.EditedJan 19 2017, 7:53 PM

I still find it odd and results for me and many others (check the other bugreports, T89972, T88243) to not use the headlights.
I hope you can find a way to get the head positions in order with the new player controller so you can have the light pointing towards the middle of the screen. Otherwise imo having this item ingame seems kind of pointless.
When I use a headlight in real life I adjust it to shine straight ahead, please try It out ingame for a longer period and you'd find its hardly usable.