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User Since
Jan 28 2015, 3:09 AM (528 w, 2 h)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

danmac_uk added a comment to T87606: Character teleport to a previous spot.

This seems to have gotten much worse since the DDoS attacks a couple of days ago. More feedback here:

May 10 2016, 3:45 PM · DayZ
danmac_uk added a comment to T83936: server performance drop when "NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel".

FYI although these symptoms began directly after we moved to 1.52, through a prolonged period of trial-and-error we determined the "fix" was to wipe the database and start again. (we run Epoch) Attempts to prune the database with honestly-not-hacky Python scripts were successful in reducing the size but did not help in alleviating these symptoms.

May 10 2016, 11:52 AM · Arma 3
danmac_uk added a comment to T83936: server performance drop when "NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel".

We are getting the same symptoms since the release of 1.52.

Server remains responsive to RCON but side chat doesn't go through (ie. it appears only on the screen of whoever sends the message), AI do not take damage, and RCON / in-game player lists do not update - both show players who have disconnected, and nobody can join. Players cannot be kicked or banned, etc.

Spectating other players shows them walking on the spot, yet according to their screens, they are continuing as normal.

I can see nothing in the changelog that may have caused this, but the problems never occured until 1.52.

May 10 2016, 11:52 AM · Arma 3
danmac_uk added a comment to T82780: Game crashes (randomly?) after the 1.46 update.

The ArmA hotfix seems to have solved some, but not all instances of this bug :(

May 10 2016, 11:15 AM · Arma 3