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- User Since
- Mar 20 2014, 9:47 AM (574 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
cedric02 edited Steps To Reproduce on T96559: Morphine and Epinéphrine are too rare in Hospitals and everywhere.
cedric02 added a comment to T96411: To much Zombies !.
i'm agree with dhagens, if you want pvp, go play at call of duty
cedric02 added a comment to T96392: Cannot Load Material 9mm_25roundbox_damage.rvmat.
got same messages when approaching military buildings
cedric02 added a comment to T96385: Bleed during the 280 seconds of wait and die in the spawn.
In any event, it is not normal, we should not be able to be attacked during the waiting time of disconnect or of connect.
cedric02 edited Steps To Reproduce on T96385: Bleed during the 280 seconds of wait and die in the spawn.
cedric02 added a comment to T96363: After Update to .42 (steam) game is unplayable (Multible bugs).
have same problem (attaking by zombis during waiting time)
cedric02 added a comment to T88476: Medical Supplies.
I have a leg and a arm broken and i search morphine in 10 hospital, result: 0 morphine found, 0 épinéphrine found, these two items are too rare !