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- User Since
- Jul 15 2016, 12:47 PM (448 w, 2 d)
Sep 14 2017
Thank you so much! I dont know how you found out this is a problem but for now it works! Yes I am polish and yes my ISP is UPC. I asked on on-line chat to change protocol to IPv4, 5 mins and done. See you in dayz - I play on Oldschool DayZ server, one of the best fpp only private servers :)
I tried to disable all firewalls/filters in router settings, still session lost. Then I restored router to factory settings, again session lost.
Sep 13 2017
I have 2nd Windows installed - fresh Windows 7. Same problem as on Windows 10. So it must be something with router or black magic settings of ethernet.
I cannot log in to steam when I uncheck IPv4 protocol
I do complete turn OFF/ON of my PC every time I try to play DayZ now. As we said the problem was not there ~1 month ago. Did you guys made any changes on your side that you might want to rollback? It worked like a charm and now its unplayable. One of the Polish twitch streamers I watch have the same problem.
Sep 12 2017
Changed to Public, still same problems
Sep 8 2017
Windows up to date, still session lost :(
Man just wait for tracer ammo. Myself i would use it only when I would have no other choice but you will be doing as you wish.
Deleting dayz.cfg/dayz folder in documents doesnt help. I will try to update Windows even though I am scared as hell about anniversary update. My router is provided by ISP, idk if I can do factory reset but I tried to turn it ON/OFF a few times to be sure its not the cause. I really want to play DayZ so guys if you need any files/logs just tell me. Damn withdrawal syndrome ;)
Same problem, after 1 month break from the game I cant play. Session lost in 0-5 mins from joining. Tried both 32 and 64 bit client, "official" and normal community servers, experimental etc. Reinstall/verify doesnt help.
May 25 2017
Everyone tried to delete DayZ config, never helps.
Same, all my custom binds from previous patches for separate keybinds to hold breath, zoom in, zoom out doesnt work. I tried everything. The key works only for split second. Also hold breath is not binded in default controls and when I bind it to any key it doesnt have any effect in game.
Experimental 0.62 - my character is cancelling the aim when in iron sights after 20-40sec by itself. Character just holds down a wepon like I would press space (while I dont touch anything). Tested on AK74 and SKS.