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- User Since
- May 10 2014, 9:14 AM (562 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Its (case 0020757) occured with full-include Arsenal.
0 = ["AmmoboxInit",[this,true]] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; //Full arsenal = true
Then try [arsenal1,"launch_B_Titan_F",true] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo;
Why its working only with whiteList? This method is too complex for some reasons when when need full arsenal without some items.
Still broken, Upvoted!
Quote [Cyckuan:"The problem affects Gunner seats also"]
in build 256606 this glitching now happening not only helicopter Class, also all my clients now reports the same about: Kuma`s, T100`s, Slammer`s. PS note that server was full.
May 9 2016
See how door destroyed in reallife. Door must shall have option to be locked to be destroyed! (ability to lock action with Mechanic Kit to lock\open it) Othervise everybody can enter ememy occupied fortification without any problem. But there no way to do it without 2 hitpoints in any door. The idia must be easyly implemented as a NEW door object. it must have two hitpoints: keyhole and door surface. Othervice door can not be locked at all.
A door is not a papper. There must be steel in it.