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- User Since
- Sep 4 2013, 3:58 AM (600 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
would be nice to get this working on dedicated
you can use dslyescxi's "paper doll gear selector", you can copy the gear in the clipboard so all you need is to paste it in init line.
i thinks this is supposed to increase the speed effect. If it's right, I think faster you go, smaller should be the fov, to simulate the decrease perception of your environement. However, not really important for me.
i post here because i think this is the same problem, sometimes the game crashes at the same time for most of players when vehicles explode. it's happened to me again today, after the update.
my team and i got kinda this problem many times a day, last time, we were near from a destroyed armored vehicle which was exploding and everybody crashed. aslo happened when i touched off a bomb, everybody near got a desk return. happened 4 times yesterday, 2 times today...
this already happened to us when the game was still in beta
yeah, i've noticed that when you shot in an helicopter that normally explode when you get in, the chopper get 10cm up and when you get in, he doesnt explode anymore. It's not happened to me since the supposed fix but i saw a guy on my server to who it's happened
i own a server on development build and that is what happened to us many times during an Altis mission so we made a basic mission with 2 players and few helicopters then uploaded it on our server: choppers always explode randomly when you get in the pilot seat.
edit: shot a bullet in a chopper before to get in to avoid explosion.