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- User Since
- May 24 2022, 3:20 PM (148 w, 4 d)
Jun 2 2024
Also had this happen to me on my own home server a few times when i threw grenades and flashbangs but they never produce any error messages or stacktraces other then 'access violation'.
Today I had a crash when accidentally walked into a fire barrel and was just about to take damage.
This is what that crash produced:
Oct 16 2023
Present in 1.23 exp
Jul 29 2023
After going through the 1.22 patchnotes i see no sign of this being fixed. Again, keep in mind that this affects zombies spawning with nvg headstraps (vanilla zombie preset). Not only the modded zombies are displaying this bug.
May 24 2023
Forgot to add: the nvg headstrap is also still bugged (and it naturally can spawn on military zombies).
Apr 29 2023
Also happens with zombies wearing NVG Headstrap.
Apr 24 2023
This bug is really annoying and also seems like zombies are locked on you after silenced shots in their 'suspicious' state. After shooting silenced a lot of them will follow you while you are behind fences or houses and have absolutely no sight. I'm not talking about them chasing you, they literally follow you around even if they cannot see you and then eventually spot you and then chase.
Apr 23 2023
Sep 30 2022
The problem is not hearing what's inside or not hearing anything from the outside world when you're inside. The problem is the sound type.
The thing is that a lot of these stuff is engine sided and would take a lot more work than just some scripting to solve. Also bc they announced they are going to release this patch in october i really doubt they would create a system for this til then. I hope they maybe fix this after the stable patch is out.
Sep 29 2022
Might be a little confusing what I mean exactly so I recorded this short vid